Message received from the Golden Censer - Jesus knew the time had come!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
The moment when Jesus was to leave this world he already knew him beforehand, He as the servant of his disciples proceeded to wash the feet of each one, one as an expression of his love for them, being the greatest of all with this gesture he showed his humility and surrender (John 13:4-5).
Although in those moments he already knew that his time had come to reunite with his Heavenly Father, he did not let that knowledge separate him from the love he felt towards his disciples.
We must take this example of surrender from the Lord, since in these moments in which we are subjected to great sadness and anguish due to the quarantine resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, we must not allow ourselves to be sorry for it and be willing to lend our helping hand to our loved ones and giving a word of comfort to our friends.
Certainly the one who has knowledge of the day and time that each one of us is going to leave this world, only God knows, on our part we must be prepared, recognizing Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer, repent of our sins and assume in our life the ways of Jesus, his love and dedication for others.
Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. NIV John 13:1
[screenshot @felixgarciap]
Receive my affection and blessings.
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Con el apoyo de la familia.
Apoyado el #toptres del día profesor @felixgarciap compartiendo la palabra.
Te apoyo ya que tenemos que ayudar y tenderle la mano a quien más lo necesita.
Siempre es hermoso recibir la palabra de Dios. Gracias por compartir, querido amigo, @felixgarciap. Un gran abrazo de vuelta y mi apoyo en el #toptres del dìa.