To build a large building is necessary very good and strong bats, machinery, cement, rebar, in short all the resistant and necessary materials to give the occupant of the building security that no matter what happens the building will not collapse. So it happens with the life of us Christians, once we know Jesus and we decided to follow in the footsteps of Jesus our great preparation begins, we can not get up without taking strength from Jesus, we must search for God's presence, let's take the example of Jesus. Jesus prayed and watched continually in order to resist the temptations.
We Christians do not have it easy, it is true that we continually face temptations, trials, persecution, ridicule but we must resist in God to win each of the battles, The prize and our award is an eternity in heaven with our beloved Jesus
Let's seek God without cease, let's fill ourselves and let's flood ourselves with Jesus is the way to build the best foundations for us ... if we are close to God, our bases will be able to withstand any storm.