Blessing when we obey
The simple requirements of the Lord serve as stones of support for our walk that allow us to access the wonderful blessings of life.
When we do not reject what the Lord requires of us and on the contrary, we say yes; He blesses us abundantly.

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Simon Peter experienced being blessed by obeying Jesus when he asked him to use his boat as a floating platform from which to preach to the crowd. Peter's fulfillment of this request from the Lord paved the way for a life-changing blessing.
We must obey God in big matters and also in small matters, because obeying Him in small matters is an essential step to receive greater blessings from God.
Pedro could refuse to lend him his boat because he could tell him that he was tired or any excuse. If Pedro had refused, he would have missed the most wonderful fishing experience of his life. And because of his obedience, the Lord provided a miracle that he would never forget.
God's greatest blessings come as a result of our willingness to obey to do something that seems very insignificant. We should strive to do whatever the Lord asks us to do without making excuses.
Our obedience in addition to leaving us blessings, God often rewards others, especially those closest to us.
When we live a life of obedience to God, people who know and love us will feel the peace and joy that He gives us and instead of conflict there will be contentment, and that will allow them to experience God's goodness to a great extent. .
Remember that if you obey God, He will bless you.