STRANGE DESTINY HELPERS | 10% to @heartchurch
God in His infinite wisdom sometimes connects us to our destiny through some strange helper in his own way. Such destiny helpers seem weird to us since they are people we don't expect help from. This is the reason why the Holy Spirit teaches in Roman 8:28 that we need to see God's hand in everything that happens to us. The Holy Spirit likewise clarifies that this truth will only work for the individuals who are called by God's purpose, and in alignment with His ways and instruction.
A good illustration of a strange destiny helper is Joseph's brother. While they were helping to make Joseph's destiny come to pass, they didn't even know it. They thought they were selling him into bondage, however, they only helped in moving him to the land where he was destined to become the prime minister.
Joseph had other wield destiny helpers along his way to turning into the leader of Egypt, like Potiphar's better half, Pharaoh's cup bear, and Pharaoh's baker. All these various experiences worked together for the good of Joseph until he became the first prime minister of Egypt. Genesis 41:39-41 tells the magnificent advancement he got in one day through the help of strange destiny helpers.
Joseph's experience shows that each individual you meet in any circumstance can be one of your destiny helpers. I pray God for you that your destiny help will rise out of the spots you least expected in Jesus' Name. Things worked out for Joseph since he was faithful to God and couldn't imagine sinning against Him.
This same behavior is required from every Christian today. You need to stay unwavering and true to God, so you can be assured of His hand in all that is going on to you. At the end of everything, Joseph also turned into a destiny helper to the entire of Egypt. An ex-convict and slave end up saving a whole nation from famine. Nobody is too little to even consider being your destiny helper.