SIGNS OF THE END TIMES | 10% to @heartchurch
While Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, His disciples came to Him secretly to ask what has now turned into a common question: What will be the indication of Your coming, and the end of the world? In response to their inquiries, the Lord took it upon Himself to layout to those people who will care to listen, the signs and vital historical events that would indicate His second coming and that will ultimately lead us to the end of the world.
A careful study of Matthew 24:4-38 uncovers about thirty signs of the final days, and the most conspicuous of these are the presence of deceivers and impersonators, wars and rumor of war about wars, starvation, tremors, and cataclysmic events, the scorn of Christians throughout the world leading to persecution and martyrdom, many revoking their faith in Jesus, the love for many people waxing cold, the rise of numerous false prophets performing signs and wonders, the sun and moon getting obscured, and individuals carrying on with a carefree life just as it was in the times of Noah.
Over the most recent couple of many years, we have seen the presence of liars and impostors of the Lord Jesus Christ in various parts of the world. Some popular ones have prevailed in leading people astray, even to the extent of committing mass suicide. Civil distress, rumors about war, terrorism, and full-scale wars have been consistent news things for years now.
The occurrence of earthquakes, storms, tornadoes, and other cataclysmic events has been on the expansion over the few years. It is pitiful to know about and witness the unbelievable degree of persecution and martyrdom of Christians as of now happening in different parts of the world. There have been leaked videos of Christians being arranged and killed in some parts of the world. Several governments, including those of the Western world, are presently making laws that are threatening to the Christian faith.
In certain nations, Christians are being pressurized to perform activities that are in opposition to their faith. A few Christians have even collapsed under the gun to revoke their confidence. False prophets in different structures are appearing wherever on the outer layer of the earth. And these forks claim to be representing the Lord Jesus.
Some of them show the gift of revelation and prophecy, even performing persuading miracles. They generally give themselves off as false prophets because their works and way of life are not consistent with the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. Regardless of the bountiful proof that the hour of the Lord's coming is close, the vast majority of the world are still carrying on with carefree lives, just as it was in the times of Noah. Obviously, everything is working out as indicated by the warning and prophesies of our Lord. In this manner be ready! The trumpet could sound any second from now. Are ready to meet the Lord Jesus?