Divine Intervention | 20% to @heartchurch
Help from above can be portrayed as an incursion of the supernatural into human issues in the actual world. The message of the Bible is based on the existence of an invisible spiritual realm and the standard of divine intervention.
A lot of people today, including some who so-called Christians, deny the reality of a spiritual realm and the truth of help from above in the functioning of the universe, because of the great degree of learning, information and understanding they have accomplished, particularly in modern science.
This is a trick of Satan to get them blindsided to his exercises in this world, and to get them to defy God's authority. The Holy Spirit wakes us up to the activities of Satan and his associates in Ephesians 6:12.
Because the devil and his accomplices work with invisible weapons of fighting, humankind thusly requires help from above to get triumph over them.
King David was a man who had direct insight of deadly battles and was exposed to a lot of evil attacks of the adversary, yet he was victorious.
One of the secret of David succes is evident in Psalm 57:1-6, where he enthusiastically prayed to God for mercy and help from above. Instead of running into a battle in his own ability as a good fighter, he decided to take refuge under the shadow of the Almighty until the calamity has passed.
What a wise man he was! David's acknowledgment and understanding of the exercises of the wicked world is noticeable in the psalms that he wrote. A more dramatic example that shows his mind set on help from above is his fight with Goliath in first Samuel 17.
In first Samuel 17:47, David kind of removed himself from the scene and announced the battle a spiritual battle against the Lord. It was David's appeal for help from above that was answerable for his outstanding triumph over the powerful Philistine warrior.