Salvation through Christ comes from the Almighty God as an act of love to humanity. It was specially created to be the only escape route of human sinfulness, indebtedness, and slavery to the devil.
The basic role of love in the way of salvation is made plain to us in John 3:16.
It was heavily love that moved God, as a merciful Father, to give His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ as the final sacrifice for our salvation.
Out of love for mankind, the Lord Jesus accepted His Father’s will and came into this sinful world to relate with sinful men and women, working out our salvation without charge and unconditionally.
Looking at all His work of love and the suffering He had to go through in His final hours before death.
Therefore, the role that love demonstrates as the catalyst for soul-winning has its source in the Almighty God Himself, and it is transmitted to those who have been part of His heavenly nature through Jesus Christ our Lord.
For plain reasons, soul-winning to the kingdom requires love. Winning a soul have to do with strong competition and facing the kingdom of darkness.
It is obvious to anyone involved in the task of soul-winning to any degree that believers are competing with Satan for the souls of men because eternal life is involved, the stakes couldn't be any higher.
Therefore, soul-winning is eternal essential, and it requires diligence, commitment, and sacrifice. All of these can only flow from a heart flood with love for the Lord Jesus and perishing souls.
Anyone who confesses Christ as Lord and Savior is forced by the love of God to share the love he or she has gotten freely to others who are still living in sin.
The major rule set by the Lord Jesus is to love your neighbor as yourself, and He likens your neighbor to be someone who needs within your sphere of influence.
Are you then propelled by knowledge that anyone without the Lord Jesus is lost and hell-bound if they stay unsaved? Has this knowledge propelled you to share the good news with your family members?
Soul winning has to do with sharing the gospel with someone. They should be able to see what salvation has done in your life. They need to want that for themselves.