The circumstance in Jeremiah’s period as seen in Matthew 28:19-20 closely shows the true state of affairs of the Lord's people. The word of God says that all these were written as examples for the people who will be alive at the end-times. The ongoing reality of end-time prophecies is a sign that the end is near.
In this end-time, a lot of pastors and preachers are no longer building precious stones on the Sure Foundation which is the Lord Jesus. Rather they are building rubble, that is, directing their sermons on modern ideologies to make Christianity acceptable to this present generation.
A lot of modern-day pastors and evangelists of the good news are failing to live by Apostle Paul’s instruction in (2 Timothy 4:2, 5): The Bible encourages ministers of the word of God against negligence in their service. Prophet Ezekiel was also told not to consider their unpleasant face but rather give the word as he was asked to.
As a Christian parent, your home is the God-given flock you are to take care of in the fear of the Lord. Followers, however, also have the responsibility to crosscheck what they are being taught by their leaders and parents, like the Berean Christians.
Answer this question to yourself, are you a shepherd or a wolf? Make sure you think about this. Be a good under-shepherd, building your flock not on the ruin of present-day ideologies but the strong foundation of the word of God. Make sure that you study and teach the pure word of the Good Shepherd.