Brain tumor
Hello everyone. I am @tamanna055
From #Bangladesh
Assalamualaikum friends,
I hope you are all well by the grace of God. I'm fine too. Today I'm here to participate in a awesome contest in the Healthy Steem community organized by respected @khursheedanwar.
Brain tumor causes, symptoms and treatment -
Brain tumor is a complex health problem, which can be life-threatening if not treated on time.
What is a brain tumor?
A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain or its surroundings, which takes the form of a tumor or lump. It can generally be of two types:
Benign tumor: It grows slowly and does not spread to other parts of the body, it is a non-cancerous tumor.
Malignant tumor: It is a cancerous tumor that spreads quickly to other parts of the body and grows very quickly.
Causes of brain tumors
No specific cause of brain tumors is known yet, but some risk factors for this disease are mentioned:
Genetic reasons: This disease can also be hereditary.
Chemical exposure: If you are exposed to chemicals for a long time, certain chemicals can cause brain cells to change and form tumors.
Radiation exposure: The treatment of cancer with radiotherapy increases the risk of tumors.
Decreased immune system: If the body's immune system decreases, the risk of developing a tumor may increase.
Age: The risk increases when we are over 60.
Symptoms of brain tumors:
The symptoms of brain tumors depend on the location and size of the tumor. There are usually some symptoms, which are:
- Nausea
- Decreased vision and blurred vision
- Weakness or paralysis of any part of the body
- Forgetfulness and mental confusion
- Occasional seizures
- Difficulty walking and sometimes not being able to maintain balance.
Treatment of brain tumors:
The treatment of brain tumors depends on the size, type, and location of the tumor. Common methods of tumor treatment:
Surgery: If the size or location of the tumor is operable, it is removed through surgical removal.
Radiation therapy: This is a modern treatment method, high-energy rays are used to destroy tumor cells.
Chemotherapy: Drugs are used to destroy cells in the part of the tumor where the cancer germs are.
Target therapy: Using different types of drugs to prevent tumor cells from growing.
Physiotherapy: Through which the patient can live a normal life after surgery or treatment.
Prevention and healthy living:
There is no specific way to prevent brain tumors, but if we take some precautions, it is possible to reduce its risk:
Developing healthy eating and balanced eating habits, eating the right food, it is possible to reduce any problems in our body to a great extent.
Regular physical exercise and keeping the body active in various activities.
Avoiding all substances like tobacco and alcohol.
Ensuring the body gets adequate rest and sleep.
Stay away from electronic devices and loud noises as much as possible.
Brain tumor is a very complex disease, but with timely and proper treatment and awareness, we can reduce its impact to a large extent. If you understand the symptoms of someone's body, you should seek medical advice quickly. By living a conscious and healthy life, we can reduce the risk of this disease to a great extent.
