
in Healthy Steem4 months ago

Hello Steemit friends,
how are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Today, I will participate in the new contest from Healthy Steem brought by the honorable Moderator @khursheedanwar. The name of the Contest is "Angina". Thank you, Healthy Steem for bringing this beautiful contest to us.

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Angina is a disease that causes pain in the chest. When this pain occurs, the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen-rich blood. The consequences are often dire. Like heart attack and stroke. Now I am trying to answer the questions of respected moderator @KhorshedAnwar.

Have you ever faced any symptoms of angina?If yes then what they were

About 4-5 months ago from today I faced a serious disease like Angina. It was a terrible experience. It was around 3:00 in the night. I was sleeping, suddenly I felt great pressure. I tried to wake up but couldn't get out of bed. If the body is slightly moved, the amount of pain increases twice as much. Thirst for water increased, but the left side of the body did not respond. I passed the night in unbearable pain. I was admitted to the hospital in the morning.

I was admitted in the hospital after facing syndrome of angina

What type of angina is most common?

The most common type of angina is stable angina. Features of this angina are: -

  • This is usually during physical activity or physical stress. At this time, the heart needs a lot of oxygen but the blood cannot supply oxygen. For example, when climbing the stairs, during exercise or during human stress, this type of problem is created.
  • This angina usually lasts a few minutes.
  • Stable angina has a pattern comparable to normal
  • Stable angina differs from unstable angina, which is less predictable. This can increase the risk of more serious illnesses or heart attacks.


What type of angina is most severe?

Of the two types of anginas, unstable angina is considered the more severe angina.
The main features of this type of engine are: -

  • It can occur suddenly, with no specific trigger, unlike stable angina that occurs with exertion or stress.
  • Unstable angina causes severe chest pain. This type of pain lasts for a long time.
  • Unstable angina increases the risk of heart attack
  • If this disease occurs, it is necessary to be admitted to the hospital urgently. This disease often indicates a partial blockage of the coronary artery or a blood clot. If this disease is not treated in time, there is a possibility of getting involved in myocardial infarction or more serious heart complications.


Any disease is scary. No disease should be taken lightly. Angina is a serious disease. So, if symptoms of this disease appear, you should consult a specialist doctor on urgent basis. I also faced this patient and took medicine for about 5 months on the advice of a cardiologist. Alhamdulillah, I am fine now. So, I say again thar don’t take the disease lightly and consult a specialist and lead a healthy life.

I would like to invite three of my friends @m-fdo @steem-for-future @joinalabedin
Thank you all of you for reading my post. I hope you will like my article. I am leaving today.
Allah Hafez.



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