SLC-S21W4 | A correct eyebrow and lip makeup

in Healthy Steem3 months ago (edited)


Greetings everyone, I am happy participating in this forth week of learning challenge. This week will help us learn more about our eye brow and how we can have a perfect look.

Last week I learned a lot and this week I believe to learn more that's why I am participating.

💄 - Identify your eyebrow type and apply makeup according to its shape, creating a gradient at the beginning of them. Also, show and explain if you used shadows, pomades or any of the existing products to apply makeup.
04 points.


Eyebrows are one of the very important part of our face, they act as a frame which added beauty to our eyes, which help in defining our total appearance. It is very important for one to know the type of your eye brow, this will help in knowing the type of makeup that will suit you.

Why I said this is because since our face shape is different it will require different techniques so that you will be able to achieve the desired of your look.

I will be creating a gradient at the beginning of my eyebrows, this will help me to achieve a more natural and polished look.

In my personal eyebrow makeup, I decided to use a combination of brow concealer and dark brow eye pencil, this works well for my eyebrow type, which is naturally thick. I started by using the dark brow pencil to outline and define the shape of my eyebrows


Then I focus on the arch and tail. When I was done drawing my eyebrow I then use the brow concealer to fill in any sparse areas and then create a gradient effect at the beginning of my brows.



I make sure I blend it very well so as to match with the color of my face. And here is the video from the beginning of the end including my both eyebrows

Full video of my eyebrows

💄 - Shows the before, during and after of your lip makeup; performing the process of outlining them to perfect their shape. In addition, it investigates and explains what your lip type is and what is the correct way to make up and outline them whether they are droopy, thin, thick, asymmetrical, among others.
04 points

During my application process, the first step I took was that I outline my lips using a black lip liner, why I chose black is because I will be using a red lipstick color and at the end it will give me a maroon color.


This helps to define the shape of my lips and it will help prevent my lipstick from bleeding outside my natural lip line.


After outlining my lips, the next step I took was to fill in my lips with a red lipstick, I love using red because it's helps in bringing out the beauty in my face.

The full video of my lip

💄- After a while, our makeup products may expire or become unfit for use; research and explain what characteristics to take into account to know when we should throw away these products to avoid future consequences.
02 points

Makeup products have become part of our daily life, is part of our beauty routine, there are some of us that can't do without makeup and some can do. Some of us we buy this products without knowing that these products has an expiring date and when this product expires it can become unfit for use after a while. So because of that It is very important for us to pay attention to this products before using.

One of the key characteristics to consider when ever we are using this product is to check the expiration date. Almost all makeup products comes with a sign this is to indicates the period of time the product can be used after purchasing .

So friends once you notice that the expiration date has passed, it is time to throw away the product this to avoid face damage.

Another characteristics is that if there is no explanation date, you will notice a change in the product you are using. Some the texture will no longer be the same, some comes with smell, so when you notice all this, it is safe for one to do away with the product because it is no longer safe.

Another important characteristics you should consider is how the makeup product reacts on your skin. If you notice any sign of redness and itching after using a certain product, it is advisable for one to stop using it immediately.

So guys one has to be careful while using a particular product on our face.

Complete video of my eyebrows and lips makeup


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 3 months ago 

¡Hola! Que gusto que te hayas animado a participar en el Desafío de Maquillaje.

Observaciones y/o Recomendaciones:

  • Lograste perfilar bien tus cejas con el uso del corrector; tienes razón al decir que con el tono de tu cabello contrasta un tono más oscuro, pero como recomendación te sugeriría que no lo acentues tanto para que no se aprecie tan oscuro y logres difuminarlo mejor en el inicio.
  • Me gustó el efecto que quisiste crear con el degradado entre negro y rojo, aunque pocas personas se atreven, ofrece un hermoso resultado, como única recomendación puedo sugerirte que trates de marcar más su forma de que el resultado sea aún mejor.
  • Es importante conocer las características que presentan los productos que ya no tienen vida útil para evitar futuras consecuencias en el rostro.
Pregunta #013 / 4 puntos
Pregunta #023 / 4 puntos
Pregunta #032 / 2 puntos
Valor total8/10

Libre de plagio ✅ | Libre de IA ✅

 3 months ago 

Thanks for the review


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