How are you all steemians? I hope you all steemians will be safe and sound by the grace of Allah Almighty and I'm fine too Alhamdulillah. Today I am here to share my participation in the contest organized by @khursheedanwar.
No , I don't have experienced angina but the symptoms of teg Angina are as follows.
Chest pain or discomfort
Pain in other areas ( shoulder, neck, teeth , jaw)
Shortness of breath
Nausea or sweating
The Angina is defined as the chest pain that is related to the ischemia of the myocardium.However, the pain may be referred from ischemia may be in the left shoulder, jaw or between the shoulder blades. The most common type is the stable.
The second name of stable angina is the exertional Angina. It occurs during physical effort and stress. It is characterised by sub-sternal , usually non-radiating pain that lasts between 5 to 15 minutes after the offending incident. The Angina is brought by the emotional stress.
Coronary artery disease
High cholesterol levels
High blood pressure
Sedentary lifestyle
Family history
The primary cause of the angina is the CAD. It occurs during the atherosclerosis, and in this condition the fatty plaques build in the arteries. The raised level of the cholesterol in the body can cause plaque accumulation. The high blood pressure can damage the arteries and more susceptible to the plaques formation.
The presence of tobacco in the smoking can cause plaque formation. The high blood sugar level can c damage to the blood vessels and ultimately results in the atherosclerosis. The sedentary lifestyle can be a reason of the coronary artery disease.
Chest pain or discomfort
Lifestyle changes
Surgical procedures
The purpose of the mangamengt of the Angina is to relieve the symptoms and also the prevention of the complications. A balanced diet and regular physical activity can benifical to reduce stress . The medications such as nitrates to relieve the pain in the chest. After modifying the lifestyle and medications the surgical procedures such as CABG is done to improve the blood flow.
The severe form of angina is the unstable angina. A serious condition that can cause heart attack too.It occurs during physical exertion or psychological stress. The major difference between stable and unstable angina is the frequency, intensity and duration of pain.The episodes are mor frequent and the duration of each event is usually greater than 15 minutes. The intensity of the pain nay be severe.
Chest pain or discomfort
Pain in other areas ( shoulder, neck, teeth , jaw)
Shortness of breath
Nausea or sweating
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