Blood tests
Hello everyone it has been a while and thanks to the contest by @khursheedanwar i will be making my re entry into the contest and the community. I thought of bringing some value into the community with this post and i hope you all find some knowledge in this presentation.
Five Important Blood Tests |
Liver Function Tests
These are tests that measure or give an accurate picture of the liver function to the Doctor this is very essential to persons who face unexplained symptoms. These symptoms are not tied to any underlying diseases. The Liver function test measures the enzymes that run the liver and whether it is high or low compared to its normal range.
Some enzymes measured in the liver includes;
- Alanine Transaminase (ALT)
- Apartate transamninase (ASP)
- Alkaline Phosphatase
Infectious Diseases
Infectious diseases are those which can be contacted by persons and can be transferred to other individuals if not properly protected. The tests detects marked antigens in blood and indicates the tests as positive or negative. Some infectious diseases which can be tested includes;
- Hepatitis
- Tuberculosis
Kidney Function Tests
The kidney is the body's filtering system which eradicates toxic wastes from blood and expels them through the urinary system. They also function red blood cell formation. Kidney tests help detect kidney diseases
The various analytes in kidney tests includes;
- Creatinine
- Urea
- Electrolytes such as Sodium, chlorides, potassium
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
A complete blood count gives a full blood picture to the doctor and can be used to diagnose a lot of other underlying diseases apart from Anemia and blood disorders
In a complete blood count, the laboratory technician searches for the presence of
- Red blood cells
- White blood cells
- Reticulocytes
- Platelet count
- Hematocrit
Blood Glucose
This is the most important blood test for patients who are diabetic. This test measure the glucose levels in blood and gives the doctor a clue of how much sugar has been absorbed or released in your system.
We can use this test for.the following reasons:
- Diagnosis of diabetes
- Monitoring blood sugar levels
- Observations of resistance.
Conclusion |
I have come to the end of my presentation and i would like to thank the organizer of this contest for the opportunity to make this knowledge known to others. With that said i want to invite my friends to participate in this contest with me, @rafk and @chant.
Dear bro,
Your contest of article writing very nice. Best of wishes to you.
Hola @bongk, interesante e importante selección de exámenes de laboratorios, y bien explicada la razón por la que se indican, y lo que nos quieren decir también.
Aquí en latinoamérica no sé si es igal en Europa o en África), por lo general, se indica glicemia úrea y creatinina a la vez, es raro que no se haga. Y aunque la glicemia no es específica para evaluar función renal, puede ser una buena guía en la química sanguínea.
La glucosa no se debe filtrar por los riñones, pero sto puede pasar cuando la glicemia (azpucar en sangre) está por encima de 180-200 mg/dL. Es decir, que si vemos una glucosuria, podemos intuir que la glucosa estaba en sangre por encima de esos valores, pero también pdoemos hacernos la idea de que la afectación renal está en curso.
Lo que compartiste está bien, a mi parecer, sólo que quería complementar con esta información. Saludos. Y buen fin de año.
Thanks for the added knowledge @josevas217, everything you said makes perfect sense just that these cases are very rare where I'm from