Fever types

in Healthy Steem6 months ago (edited)
Hello Everyone how are you doing ? I hope you all are fine,as for me I am under Jah care .Today, I will like to participate in contest from Healthy Steem organized by the @khursheedanwar .on the topic "Fever types." Here is my entry.


Yellow fever
This fever is transmitted through the bite of an infected accede mosquito ,Aedes mosquito are the primary vector of yellow fever , when an infected mosquito bites inject the virus into the person bloodstream the virus can be contacted by that person, the incubation period is 3 to 6day(average). symptoms include fever,chill ,heachach, muscle pain, nausea and vomiting , fatigue,in severe cases liver failure or bleeding disorder.

Viral fever
Caused by viral infections like the flu, common cold, mononucleosis ,viral minigitis,viral pneumonia, etc it could be transmitted through Airborne , skin to skin,etc, the incubation period may vary depending on factor like age, health status and specific stain of organisms.symptom include fever, running nose,sore throat, diarrhea, seizures blood in stool etc.


Hormonal fever
This type of fever is Caused by hormonal changes or imbalance in the body such as those experienced during menstruation or menopause, pregnancy or thyroid disorder , hormonal replacement therapy (HRT), pituitary gland disorder etc, duration Can vary from person to person, symptoms sweating ,breast tenderness,mood changes, chills, flushes etc

Malaria fever:
This type of fever is called edermic fever Caused by the Plasmodium parasite,a female anopheles mosquito transmitted through a mosquito bites which caused chill and rigor in our environment . incubation period is period 7 to 14days, symptoms include nausea and vomiting, weakness, chills ,pale skin etc.

Typhoid fever:
This type of fever is called enteric fever Caused by the Salmonella Typhi bacteria, often spread through contaminated food and water.14 -21 days, high fever up to 104, constipation, weakness , fatigue ,organ failure, heachach etc.

thermometer-types-collection_23-2148607493.jpgsource higher than this is dangerous.

Question: What kind of fever is considered most dangerous?

Hyperpyrexia over 40degree
It is a very bad fever because if not brought down quickly can , it's can cause fits (convulsions)or permanent brain damage (paralysis , mental slowness , epilepsy) etc.

Question:What is your famous home remedy to get relief from fever quickly?


-Put a person in a cool place and remove all the clothing

-put cool water over him or put clothes soaked in cool water on his chest and forehead .fan the cloth, and keep them often to keep them cool , continue until the fevers goes down.

-give the person medicine like Analgesic drugs to calm down fever

-.if the person can not swallow paracetamol, grind it and mix it with some water and try put it up like enema.

-Sick medical help.


Thanks you all,I here by invite @skinnyblack,@bossj23,@elianny to take part in this contest.

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