Why you should include garlic in your diet

in Health5 years ago


Garlic is a plant in the Allium family, which is related to onions; It grows in many parts of the world and is a very popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and flavor. In addition, it contains sulfur compounds that provide some health benefits.

One raw garlic clove contains manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium, fiber, decent amounts of calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B1, 4.5 calories, 0.2 grams of protein, and 1 gram of carbohydrates, among other nutrients. .

Garlic is used to prevent and treat a wide range of conditions and diseases. Garlic supplements help prevent and reduce the severity of common illnesses like the flu and the common cold.


In many countries, garlic has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries.
Garlic can have a variety of health benefits, both raw and cooked.
It can have important antibiotic properties.
The original Olympic athletes from Ancient Greece were given garlic to improve performance in the sport.
The French, Spanish, and Portuguese introduced garlic into the New World.

Garlic is currently used for various conditions related to the blood system and the heart such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high cholesterol, heart attack, coronary heart disease and hypertension.

Other, possibly therapeutic, benefits are listed below:

Acne-free skin

Garlic contains properties that help cleanse the system and eliminate toxins, which is why to get healthy, acne-free skin, you should take two cloves of raw garlic with a little warm water every morning and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Against cold and flu

Garlic provides relief against persistent cold and flu, that is why it is recommended to take two to three cloves of raw or cooked garlic a day, or have a little garlic tea, this not only helps to decongest the nose and cure the cold, it also increases immunity against these viruses.

Prevents heart disease

Daily consumption of garlic helps lower cholesterol levels due to the antioxidant properties of allicin, which is beneficial in regulating blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It is necessary to consume raw or semi-cooked garlic so as not to lose its benefits and medicinal properties.


Garlic is used as an antibiotic to treat bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections as a consequence of diluted garlic extract. One tip to avoid cavity-causing bacteria is to use a mouthwash with a small amount of the garlic extracts.

Protects skin and hair

Garlic's properties protect the skin from the effect of free radicals and slow down the collagen depletion process, just as it helps the skin with fungal infections and provides relief from skin ailments such as eczema. Also, rubbing the crushed garlic extract on the scalp or massaging with oil along with garlic prevents and reverses hair loss.

Lose weight

To lose a little weight, you should squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of warm water and take it with two cloves of garlic in the morning.

The nonsense of quarantined garlic: why this remedy is not going ...

Photo: El Español


Lung cancer

Consuming raw garlic at least twice a week provides up to a 44% lower risk of developing lung cancer, according to a study at the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Jiangsu, China. "A protective association between eating raw garlic and lung cancer has been observed with a dose-response pattern, suggesting that garlic may potentially serve as a chemo-preventive agent for lung cancer."

Brain cancer

The organo-sulfur compounds found in garlic have been identified as effective in destroying cells in glioblastomas, a type of fatal brain tumor; These compounds are efficient in eradicating cancer cells in the brain and brain tumor cells.

Prostate cancer

Due to the characteristics it contains, the consumption of garlic provides a significantly lower risk of contracting prostate cancer, as do vegetables belonging to the Allium family, such as onion.



Asthma patients should not consume garlic as it can have side effects.
Garlic should be avoided before surgeries or medical operations.
You should not consume more than 2-3 cloves of garlic in a day without consulting a doctor.

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