Day 7: Living on Juice Update -- WARNING: a little gross.
Day 7 Updates
I am now 128 lbs. People usually lose a lot more than 2 lbs in 1 week of a solid food vacation. I believe I have lost little weight because my diet, since the last juice feast, has been foods with a short bowel-transit time. And barely any starches were in my diet :)
I feel much stronger, and it is true that I am definitely stronger today than I have been in my whole life. I am not getting weaker, and I am definitely not losing any muscle. Earlier today I did a head stand. I can do these so easy now... and I can do them with such controlled, fluid motion. Yass!
Snot Production
The snot production from my nose is less. However, these snots are like crystalized...they are SHARP! And they are equally sharp and painful when removing them. No, I'm not digging through my nose for treasure. These hardened pieces of mucus are forming at the sensitive, tip end of my nose :(
I cannot wait until snot production has ceased. Could it be that the starch I consumed it trapped in these mucus buffers? IT'S SHARP!
Today's Juices / Liquids
I relaxed today and had less than 1 gallon of fluids. I did have 32 oz of watermelon juice around 4pm to break my "dry" fast. Later I had water and lemon, sangria, about 24 oz of watermelon and strawberry gazpacho (strained), and about 24 oz of veggie broth.
It is now Saturday night. I believe the last time I passed solid stool was Wednesday, Aug 16th. Rather than urination, I had no #2 elimination at all on Friday and Saturday. In fact, I am typing this at 12:40 am (Sunday), and I did eliminate watery waste (not solid) about 10 minutes ago.
That's all! That is a normal day on a solid food vacation. If this is your first solid food vacation, you should expect to pass solid stool every day for the first 7 days--and possibly pass solid stool multiple times per day!
Nice, last summer i tried one meal a day fasting and it was awesome it bringed me back to life! This is mainstream brainwashing 5 meals a day mostly on sugar so you get ''hungry'' what is just a sugar level drop and you CONSUME!
Upvoted bro 😀
w00t :D thanks for commenting, and i'm glad you liked it! feel free to ask anything!
very good.
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thank you! I hope you find it inspiring and helpful along your journey :)
I am literally 2 of you!!!!!!!!!! Great post :D