Golem Overlord - Why is Managing Scavenger Golems Important ?
Hi everyone,
It's me again with another Golem Overlord blog for everyone. In today's blog we will talk about managing scavenger golems in golem overlord.
In Golem overlord Scavenger golem is one of the most important concept of the game as that is what decides about our overall earning.
We all know that each scavenger golem produces or mines 0.12 part token in the game and that it also get burnt or reduced every hours at a rate of 0.5% of total Scavenger Golems we have.
Both these reasons show why scavenger golems are important in the game and their importance gives us the reason to manage them properly.
Let me share my Profile below that i will refer to in the blog further with everyone. Just see how many scavenger golems i have.
I have 55.3 Scavenger Golems so that means i will see a reduction of 2.22 Scavenger golems if i claim perfectly after eight hours.
That also means that to rebuild these golems i will be burning 22.2 Parts approximately after the claim immediately. To make things clear i am earning 51 Parts in eight hours from these scavenger golems.
If i include the attacks and parts won by attacking my total will at max reach 59 Parts so after burning of 22.2 parts i have 37 parts approx with me.
Now let us see what does maintaining these Scavenger Golem Means.
Maintaining Scavenger Golems
To maintain scavenger golems the very first thing that i mean is to not waste a single second for your scavenger golems. Now what does this means ?
It means that you should not give golems the chance to reach maximum number of parts that you can mine. For me that max number is 65.8 parts.
So if i left the golems on mining and let them reach this max number of parts then after that they will continue to mine without benefiting us.
Your golem will further continue to get reduced no matter if you are mining any parts with them or not so if you fail to claim on time or atleast before the maximum number is reached.
You will be in the category of wasting scavenger golems and not managing them well. To make sure you are managing them well try to redeem twice a day.
Also you know your schedule for the day so if you are busy don't burn parts to increase scavenger golems and rather keep them less in numbers so that even after time exceeds your mined parts are not touching the max number.
That is how you can manage your scavenger golems and yes that is what i meant when i say managing scavenger golems. To simply make sure to not let our golems get wasted without mining parts for us.
So that was all about managing scavenger golems in Golem Overlord. People can share how they manage their golems well in comments with everyone.
That's all for this blog, Thank you everyone for reading till the end.
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