Golem Overlord - Elite league reached and top 1400 on leaderboard
Hi everyone,
It's me again with another golem overlord blog. I am sharing about Golem overlord after ten days and i have some good improvements to share.
You can say that i have reached a new milestone in the game and that is what i will be sharing today in this blog.
There are so many leagues in golem overlord that you can achieve and i have achieved the elite league in golem overlord and i am really happy about it.
With reaching 5000+ ratings one can unlock the elite league and i have successfully done that and now i am in top 5 players in my guild.
The four people above me are good players but i wish i will be able to leave all of them behind in near future.
I unlocked the elite league yesterday and now i have the elite golemancer title with myself as you have already seen that above.
I burnt more than 400 parts to reach here that is almost 9 percent of 5000 but i was collecting them for a quite sometime and as i was also selling some parts, i can say that i would have been more ahead.
Can you guess how many scavenger golems i am managing right now ? They are more than 100 and that makes 1000+ parts spent in just scavenger golems.
That's why i want to reach 6000+ ratings so that i can call myself the real elite warrior even after excluding the parts burnt for scavenger golems.
Overall my rank is 1352 as you can see below.
I will now focus on faith as i want to improve the loot on attacks done by me. Currently i win around 2-4 parts and so i wish they will be more in future.
I don't know where the game might go from here but i am going to stick around and play this game as i have reached quite far and i think that this will be a good performer someday.
So that was all about my progress from golem overlord in last ten days that i just shared via this blog.
If anyone wants to join the golem game then they can do so by clicking on the link given below :
That's all for this blog, Thank you everyone for reading till the end.
Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.