Educación virtual o esclavitud moderna /Virtual education or modern slavery
De un día para otros ya nada es como era. En muchos países han decretado cuarentena obligatoria y en otros como Venezuela es "Voluntaria" y escribo voluntaria entre comillas porque se han suspendido las clases, trabajo, sólo pueden funcionar negocios de primera necesidad y con horario restringido, así que prácticamente es obligatoria. Pero es una medida necesaria para poder mantenernos a salvo.
Hello, Steemians. It's been a while since I've been here. As you all know right now the world is going through a pandemic and another series of events that have changed our lives dramatically.
From one day to another nothing is as it was. In many countries they have decreed mandatory quarantine and in others like Venezuela it is "Voluntary" and I write voluntarily in quotes because classes have been suspended, work, only essential businesses with restricted hours can function, so it is practically mandatory. But it is a necessary measure to keep us safe.

Muchos países cuentan con la tecnología y las herramientas para implementar este tipo educación, en cambio en otros casos los estudiantes no cuentan con computadoras, internet, electricidad, vamos que en casos extremos no tienen ni que comer y se pretende pasar a la educación virtual. Si bien es cierto que debemos evitar perder el año escolar también se deben tomar en cuenta las necesidades de la mayoría para poder implementar una metodología donde los más necesitados no tengan las de perder.
One of the most alarming things is that with the suspension of classes, we have moved in a blink of an eye to distance education, a modality that is not very deep-rooted and that depending on the point of view is not very feasible in certain areas.
Many countries have the technology and the tools to implement this type of education, while in other cases students do not have computers, internet, electricity, or in extreme cases they do not even have to eat, and the intention is to move to virtual education. While it is true that we must avoid losing the school year, we must also take into account the needs of the majority in order to implement a methodology where the most needy do not have to lose.

En qué momento se les da espacio para entender lo que sucede, para que tengan tiempo de asimilar y reprogramarse. Los padres no son maestros y no tienen la pedagogía para impartir los conocimientos de la misma manera que lo hace un maestro, que es un profesional calificado que estudio para esto. Además en muchos casos el contenido impartido ni siquiera se adapta al pensum escolar.
Yes, we must adapt to the new situation but it is ridiculous that they pretend to show educational videos on television, radio and youtube every day (the case of Venezuela) and in addition teachers also make assessments by facebook and whatsapp, where students have to spend 12 hours a day sitting doing homework in order to fulfill all school activities.
At what point they are given space to understand what is going on, so they have time to assimilate and reprogram themselves. Parents are not teachers and do not have the pedagogy to impart knowledge in the same way that a teacher, who is a qualified professional who studied for this, does. Moreover, in many cases the content taught is not even adapted to the school curriculum.
De esta forma despertará su creatividad, impulsando las ganas de hacer lo que siempre quisieron, leer, escribir, dibujar, cantar, etc. No se vale cortarles las alas de esta manera, obligándolos a pasar esta pandemia como unos presos haciendo trabajos forzosos, si ya es difícil estar aislados al menos dejemos que vuelen con su imaginación y hagan lo que mejor saben hacer, soñar.
This would be a good time to reinforce basic but necessary knowledge for daily and professional life. Reinforce reading and analysis, critical thinking, spelling rules, calligraphy practice. Basic notions of mathematics. But we must also leave space for young people to do what they like, explore their skills, hobbies, learn new things and even get bored.
This will awaken their creativity, encouraging them to do what they have always wanted to do, read, write, draw, sing, etc. It is not worth clipping their wings in this way, forcing them to go through this pandemic like prisoners doing forced labour, if it is already difficult to be isolated at least let them fly with their imagination and do what they do best, dream.”
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Nota: Este post se publicó primero en la plataforma Hive/Note: This post was first published on the Hive platform