Panic attack, fear is increasing likewise the number of infected cases are increasing..
Over the past 24 hours, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases has increased by 14% source.. which means the condition of Ukraine is getting more and more intense as the infected confirmed cases rate has increased.
From the statement of the Health Ministry, the number of infected cases is 1,319, death 38 and recovery 28 which means this number will be increased more. Because from 4th April to 6th April, a total of 150+ new cases have been identified. Obviously, fear and panic increased because now the future is uncertain until summer.
The number of infected the coronavirus rose to 68 in 24 hours with 6 deaths. Most infected areas are Kyiv (234), Chernivtsi region (220) and Ternopil region (160).. From Kharkiv, only one confirmed case has been identified.
Hmm... Are people safe from the Kharkiv region?? I don't think so...
From today, the Ukrainian Government started taking hard actions. Already, the metro and intercity transports were banned (except special cases), cafe restaurants all shutdown except pharmacy, supermarkets. Public transport can't carry more than 10 passengers but I think from today everything will be stopped and police are taking actions if they see someone moving around without any cause.
The population of Kharkiv city is much less than Kyiv but still, actions need to be taken.
The situation is intense here and my stress level is increasing because I need to deal with so many things. I don't know when, where, how I will be able to execute them.
It's hard to live a life in fear and uncertainty but there is nothing we can do now unless waiting.
Well, we all are trying to motivate ourselves and trying to follow a healthy lifestyle so that we can stay safe. Because we don't know what is waiting for us in the near future...
I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily...
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Original post is written by @priyanarc
They almost doubled testing last week and daily new confirmed cases rised only about 50% from previous week so based on the positive/tested ratio it looks like the number of daily new cases could start to go down very soon
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