Chocolate dessert // Postre de chocolate
Quarantine anxiety strikes again
I had time since did not make this dessert so easy and i was already missing it. I am a person who enjoys taking a break from my work, sitting down a bit and enjoying a delicious dessert like the one we are about to prepare. Let's do it

Ingredientes: // Ingredients
1 Mezcla para bebida de chocolate // 1lb Chocolate mix
3 litros de Leche// 3L of milk
1 taza de Azúcar// 1 cup of sugar
1 taza de Maicena // 1 cup of maicena (cornstarch)
Paquetes de Galletas dulces // cookies

We are going to start preparing a chocolate smoothie, that's right, we pour the milk into a large pot, add the chocolate mixture and the sugar, we will put this to cook over medium heat. But before putting it to cook we reserve a quarter of this mixture.

Cocinaremos nuestra mezcla hasta que creamos que pueda hervir.
We will cook our mixture until we think it can boil.
The mixture with the chocolate milkshake that we reserve we will proceed to add 1 cup of cornstarch and we will mix very well so that there is no lump left they can use a blender to do this, in fact I used a food grinder.

Before we see our mixture boil, we add the part that we reserve with cornstarch but we add it in the form of a thread and without stopping stirring, we will continue stirring until we get a quite thick mixture, you have to feel that it really looks quite thick, once it is ready we turn off the heat and wait it gets a little warm.

Ok, with our warm mixture we will notice that it is thicker than before, we proceed to open our cookie packages to place them in the mold, the idea that there is no gap, I must admit that I was a little lazy for this and also confess that I wanted save a packet of cookies in case of a sugar emergency.

After placing our first layer of cookie we will incorporate our chocolate mixture and again we place another layer of cookies and we will repeat this same process until we finish.

We wait for our mixture to cool before storing in the fridge, and then we'll let this for around 4-6 hours in our fridge, I usually do this to keep it overnight in the fridge and enjoy the next day.

And that's how easy this delicious dessert is prepared, I invite you to prepare it.

Look so sweet and delicious... nice comfort food.
It was delicious!
Yummy!!! Que delicioso postre! Saludos y bendiciones...
Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.