A quarantine experience and food obsession days // Mi vida en cuarentena
Hello again steemit
Today I would like to share a little of how my days have been during this quarantine, it should be noted that my current lifestyle has required that for the last 2 years I spend all my time at home since I only work with my computer and the internet by my own. This looks like during these past two years I have prepared for this.
I remain calm, but my family has panicked with so much news saturation about it.
The first thing I did when I was finally able to get money from my job was to go shopping, I thought that few people would take preventive measures but I was very surprised to see 99% of people who were away from home making purchases were complying with prevention measures, of course there was a small exception of those people who stand very close in the lines of the supermarkets. It will seem exaggerated but in some establishments if you do not wear gloves they will not let you in.

My quarantine equipments / Josehany Burgos /
I bought the things I needed for my home, without exceeding myself and without nervous shopping, the only nervous thing was the taste for junk food and sweets
When I get home after shopping, I thoroughly disinfect myself and not only myself, my family also helps me to make sure that the cleaning has been thorough before entering the house. I cannot enter with my shoes I must leave them outside, even the clothes I used for cannot enter the house, I must wear the hair with a ponytail, because I always like to wear it free but i can't now, we must also disinfect all the food that is bought before entering the house, I will not lie is a process that takes more than 30 minutes before I can enter my house and finally take a shower. My family was about to receive me with a stick at the entrance of the house. Thank god no.
This is me after taking a shower and being able to say Hi to everyone
So my routine is: get up early to work and spend most of the day on it, I take a two hour break and I literally use that time to sit on the couch and rest my back, also to communicate with my friends and rest of family and know how they have been in the day.
Hi, break time!
Let's move on to what's important, what brightens my days during this quarantine, eating. I have this little vice of spending the nights with my love watching series and eating something delicious, I really have not taken a photo of everything I have prepared because on many occasions I just want to eat it now, but here are some things I have done.
a dessert for myself

for breakfasts and dinners meet the EMPANADAS
Do you want some cookies?
this is one of my favorites especially when i need to watch series
sometimes when I'm already very overwhelmed from being at the computer I eat some snacks

Do you heard about the QUESILLO? t's like a Crème brûlée
You're probably wondering: God. Do you ever eat something more common? Of course, this is how most of my lunches look, but since these last weeks everyone is at home I want to get creative. And what about you, what do you do?
Todas las imágenes utilizadas en este post fueron tomadas por mi, son de mi completa autoría
All the images used in this post were taken by me, i am the author, camera used by Xiaomi Redmi note 8 pro
#covid19 #blog #quarantine #spanish #stayathome #life #steemit #food
Preventive is better Dear, I also love your sumptious food here. Thanks for this effort during qusrantine!
Has logrado que me dé hambre! Esta cuarentena me está haciendo comer el triple...o cuádruple
Hola. Qué rica luce tu comida, en especial el quesillo, sobre todo si lo preparaste sin horno. Es un postre típico de Venezuela. Bon apetit.
que rico el natuchips :( como lo extraño
Son los mejores
Todo luce fantástico, es bueno ver que hay gente que busca ser feliz en tiempos de pandemia, incluso dentro de casa.
Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.
Referente a la limpieza hago lo mismo con todo lo que ingresa a mi casa, mi papá es el único que trabaja y lo desinfecto antes de que entre.
Y yo opto por el ejercicio.
O la Yoga, para mantenerme activa y no engordar en la cuarentena jsjsj
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