Why is it bad to use Internet Explorer as your browser?
I know that many people are highly fond of the Internet Explorer browser. Some of my friends still use Internet Explorer for browsing. I personally think that Microsoft would have upgraded so many things for the past few decades but I don't think they did a very good job in upgrading their browsers. Internet Explorer was one of the browsers that were ruling the Internet during the early 2000s. I strongly admit that those days we did not have any other option than using Internet explorer and we were all used to it.
Today things have changed and we have evolved so much. It will be ideal to move to other browsers than using Internet explorer. I would like to share some thoughts on the same in this article providing some reasons and facts as to why it is good to use other browsers than Internet Explorer.
Microsoft stopped support
Yes, it is true that Microsoft stopped support for Internet Explorer versions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The only support they provide right now is for IE 11 and Microsoft Edge browser. Some of my clients have reported issues in the products we develop and upon investigation, we identified that those issues were because of browser incompatibility. We have not recommended them to use other browsers than Internet Explorer. I'm pretty confident in saying that Microsoft is not competitive enough in providing a stable browser. Today we might get Microsoft Edge shipped along with our operating system as a default browser but as far as I know, the only reason why people use Microsoft Edge browser is to download other browsers.
It is not just that Microsoft stopped its support for these versions of the Internet Explorer browser, but there are also so many outstanding bugs in the browsers which makes it very hard for developers to code something compatible for Microsoft browsers like IE and Edge.
Gives a tough time for the developers
As Internet Explorer is one of the top used browsers everywhere, it is really hard for modern developers to provide support for IE. Some front end code that developers write will work perfectly on Google Chrome or Firefox but fail to work on Internet Explorer or Edge. The reason is that the browsers are not modern enough and have not been maintained properly by the development team. I understand that it was once awesome during the early 2000s but we cannot rely on that till today and we have to move on.
Some of the developers have even started saying that their software will not work on Internet Explorer and considering the complexity they are not handling anything separately in the code for Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. They just recommend users to switch to modern browsers like Google Chrome or Firefox.
IE is for slow world
A study says that people don't stick with a website if it takes more than 10 seconds to load. Some of the sites take lots of time to load on Internet Explorer. That is one of the reasons why people try to switch or use other modern browsers. I still remember that when I switched to using Google Chrome, speed was the only reason. I also had issues with Flash support and other complications in using Internet Explorer and I straight away switched to using Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
I still remember those days where I click on the Go button in the browser and wait for it to load. I was initially thinking that the issue was complete with the internet connectivity but later I realized that even after we upgraded to fast internet, the browser itself was pretty slow. Especially when I try to see my exam results during my school and college days, IE used to give me a big headache. Microsoft did try to improvise the browsing speed to a greater extent but it is not worth it compared to the other modern browsers.
Lacks lots of features
Some of the modern browsers now come up with many great features that are not there in Internet Explorer. Inbuilt ad-blocking features and content filtering features are something to note. These features and the extension facilities that the other browsers have is also something that we have to consider. I remember seeing news saying that Microsoft Edge will be transformed into a new browser after re-engineering it with the Chromium open-source browser. I haven't heard anything further on that after that. If that happens, I guess we can start getting some hopes on using Microsoft Edge as an alternative browser to Internet Explorer.
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