If becoming mandatory to further live in this society, would you accept a RFID chip under your skin?
I read about RFID chips as being used in the form of IDs, wallets, and passports, many years ago, and I guess it was David Icke that was quite vocal about that at the time, as he is at the moment as well, with all this pandemic around the COVID-19. The idea sounded interesting and frightening at the same time and at that time the highest piece of tech I was owning was a mobile phone, a NOKIA 3310.
I couldn't even imagine how this would work, and what I also remember, is that it was spoken and written at that time about a supercomputer/data base that would store all the world's data from those chips, and the privacy of any individual would basically go extinct. Still, my tech knowledge and comprehension was quite limited.
Now I am aware about such chips more that I was back then, and I even read that there are Swedes that have tested living on such thing daily for a few months, chips that would store them any type of keys, wallets, IDs and so on, on such a tiny piece of tech under their skin, and through which they could pay for anything, identify themselves, enter their houses, and even get checked by a doctor via this type of IDs.
On the conspiracy theory side of things there are folks like David Icke, Alex Jones, and others, that claim those chips aren't actually limited to replacing IDs and wallets but, go further to monitoring the individual 24/7, have access at any time, for the ones having access to their data through them, to the carrier's location, physical health, spending, finances and even being able to control his/her emotions, if you can imagine that.
Now I wouldn't insert anything in my body, and I even regret piercing my ears when I was in high-school, and after reading all sort of articles and books about this plan of world domination and control over a microchip, I am more against it than I was years ago. One thing that I am fearful of also, is blockchain being used for making that giant data base a reality, and also cryptocurrencies to being advertised for incentivizing people to get a RFID chip under their skin, hooking them with this financial freedom and boundless economy utopia.
Looking at the way these lock downs have been enforced and how they somehow lead us towards using the digital more than what we would regularly use, being paper money, teleconferencing instead of getting to a job, and so on, it feels like they're preparing us for a future, holding for us some chips to be inserted in our bodies... mandatory. Would you accept these if there wouldn't be any other way to live in this society without them?
If not, how would you imagine surviving such a scenario, and what do you think the rebel ones should expect? What do you see as pros and cons for getting injected with a microchip?
Thanks for attention,