Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 9

in #gang-stalking8 years ago

Choose To Do Away With Fear: And Always Believe...

When you chose to do away with fear you are expanding your cells within your body and mind for other things.  When you keep the fear alive within you and you react to your fear, your cells within your body tighten...  This is why so many people who chose to keep fear in their lives fail, because if you think you're not going to do good at something, or be good with something, chances are that you won't, and you allow fear to cripple you, and cripple your mind.  I've seen this many times, not only with myself, but with my loved ones as well.  Some of you know exactly what I'm talking about, and even speaking directly to.  You're right!  I'm speaking directly to you, even if you chose to not read what I have to say, I've got a lot to say and only a short time to be here while I'm alive.  I want to make the most of it with the time I have here and spend it fighting for the truth, and fighting for the good things that can come from a reality that doesn't allow fear to keep hindering what we're capable of.  You got to know that we together are worth so much more, and without seeing it yourself, you're actually crippling the people around you.  So CRUSH the fear!  Get rid of it, because it's only hurting you, and hurting the people that you're claiming you love.

In the core of gang-stalking and street theater, they are trying to corrupt your reality, and your world view, and when they can get away with it, you can turn into a heartless, or cold person as we've mentioned before.  When people are constantly trying to hurt you, you can in turn, turn out to seem like you are mean although that is the false personification that they are going for.  They want to make you out to be the criminal so that they can control you.  Remember that!  This is very true with how police will act with you, and set you up to look bad where they can.  They will utilize their questions to try and trick you, and make you feel as though you did something wrong, when in reality, they are being paid to trick you and to deceive you and give other people this false personification of you.  So long as you are not calm and cannot see the real reality of why they are doing that, which is to isolate you and limit your resources, and limit the people who are going to fight for you and fight right along with you, you can see yourself becoming more alone and with less and less family and friends around because those people are also being hurt spiritually, emotionally and physically by these constant attacks against you, and against your loved ones.

When your worldview is corrupt, your behavior comes next and you can start lashing out at people for no reason, and not even meaning to do it.  It's because of all these things that you feel you are going out of control with, but just remember that you are in control and have to manage these things or they will be able to manipulate their crisis, and continue to set up a control plan for you and offer you false medications for a diagnosis that is also false.  These are the very things that I believe 100% that people need to stay away from, so don't buy into it.  It's a big game, and these fake people who are dressed in regular clothes, or working some jerks job, do not care about you.  You have to!  And, you've got to do this now!  This is something that is a MUST if you want to get out of being hurt by people who are willing to take cash money to hurt families and stop people from being more together and less disenfranchised.  

When your behavior goes, there goes your values and culture as well.  Your traditions fail you, and the things that you wanted most will start to fail you as well.  This is not all scientific or anything, but this is the real reality on the level in which we live, and which we manage our lives.  There is a spiritual battle going on, and you've got to be first of all aware that it is one, before you can face the trials that they want people to be going through.  Keep going through them, and keep a good positive mental attitude about these things.  They are real, and I'm not trying to scare anyone, but these are real things.  We create the reality that we see when it comes to these things, because God created this whole earth with his voice, and when he went to work, he spoke things into existence.  You, me, this world and everything are created through Gods will, and making it happen, so believe that you can make things happen to, and you will.  Get excited!  You should be!  You're a human being, and you're meant to live a good quality of life and not the quality that these people want for you.  But, you have to first believe that you can, or that you will, because otherwise you can't and you won't.

When a person is constantly around that negativity; they will either give up on life, or isolate themselves from others or give up on themselves.  This is what the gang-stalkers or covert harassers want you to do.  Think about it?

Why else would a person listen in on your conversations so that they can repeat back to you in detail something that you were doing.  This is a form of psychological abuse, because you've never seen or met this person or even if they live close to you, they are not supposed to know the things that you are doing in the privacy of your own home.  This is a psychological warfare tactic that sick people use.  Same with being in a mental hospital and having a paid psychiatrist tell you that you're sick.  This isn't something that should ever be said, but these things happen, I know first hand because they happened to me.  And, even if I was mentally unsound - the only reason to tell a person these things is not because you aren't trying to do the best you can in life.  Everything is mental!  Everything is ill!  And, though you are being told you are mentally ill, and that they think you're sick, you're not sick at all, and these people that think that they can barrage your life this way, are the ones that aren't thinking clearly, and are sick themselves.  It's just not something that you have the right to say!  Not ever!  It's wrong and they know it's wrong, but do it anyways.

Think about it again?  This is why these people create false news, all around you and go to where you frequent the most, or even come by your home, and not even offer a helping hand, instead they do these things to harass you and psychologically abuse you.  This is a form of psychological warfare.

I should repeat this to you, because some people, not even targeted people think that this is the real reality when it's not.  It's a fake reality that they want to manipulate over you, to get you to think that you're screwed, and this is real, when it's not the real reality.  People don't normally treat people this way.  People generally want a good reality for others if they have a clear heart, and are living clear of conscience.  This is not the real reality they are portraying to you, but a false one.  They can even use your own family members, a public worker, or doctors or even service workers to get to their ultimate goal, which is to isolate you, and make you out to look like you are crazy.  I don't even buy into it when I see how disenfranchised the youth is acting on television.  I just don't buy into it.  I don't buy into what I read unless it pertains to me and hits me where it counts, and that is my heart.  If it hits home, and if I can cry about it, or feel joy from it, and know that something more is going on, and get that gut wrenching feeling - then, and only then do I know that it's real.  And, just for the record - they actually use government and city workers as well too.  You're not alone, so don't feel as though you are alone in this.  There are a lot of people feeling the things that you are going through, and seeing things happening all over, that not even when things happen to them are they coming to and believing that these things are happening to them.  They just carry on as if it's another thing that is a real reality just playing out, even though it's not.

When, if you think about it, when someone just terminates your ability to make your money, while you are working for their company for an example, even if you take these people to court, and win and settle in court, you're not ever going to be made whole whole, because your reality has already been twisted and this is the thing that hurts so bad, because, you aren't ever going to get the time back on earth to share it in the ways that you wanted to first, you only have a limited time here on earth to do the things that you want to do, or to prove the people wrong who you want to prove.  This is sad, and these facts are sick!  When they can subvert or pervert your reality so badly that you can't even get what you came for when you just spent all that time working, these are not just feelings and these are real things that are continuing to happen over you, and are not of your own doing.  There are fictional key players in this game, and their whole intent is to cause you to feel as though you are going crazy or can't handle the real reality of the things that are happening to you, when they are.  As long as man made some sort of fictional disease to manipulate you, or fictional diagnosis over you, to give you medications to control that disease or diagnosis - you're more then likely going through a lot in your mind where it comes to how these things are affecting you, how they are going to affect your life, or how they are going to affect you in the long-term, but, I assure you that these people don't care about you, nor do they really care what happens to you - especially if they are on the side of making a lot of money prescribing you their drug of choice for you. 

They can also stage false accidents, or other false events in your life for the purpose of continuing to run the mill over on you and  create either positive or negative events for you in your life.  There is a such thing as a false positive, and in this case, that's the truth.  These fictional positive events they set up for you aren't really positive and aren't to your benefit, but to theirs.  These false positives are to lure you into their psychological leash!  These are so they can control you more, and bring you into their psychological over-play for you, and they are not designed to truly help you, but to hurt you further and bring you away from your family and friends even further.  Street theater and these actors are just a way of these people to be playing god in your life.  They think that they are better then you, because they make money or something.  But, this is wrong!  These people aren't God, and can not even come to terms with God, so these people will set out to hurt you, and they will do it on purpose to get you to hurt, so just be aware of that, and when these things happen, just know that you deserve better then that.  You're not some psychological toy to be messed with, you are a human being made in the image of a loving God and these people are far from loving!  These people are far from anything too great when they use all these things to harm you, and to hurt you, and to place you into a fictional reality that you might even believe is a real reality, but it't not.  No one should have to go through as much turmoil in their lives as you've had to live.  And, just no matter where you are in life, just know that you are worth more then these people could ever want for you because you'd destroy their reality over you if given the chance and they know that they have a lot to withhold from the public's eye's or opinions of them, if not their own blood money, because that's what it is... it's blood money they make by hurting you and continue to do, especially when people are being bribed into hurting you, and screwing up peoples relationships and their lives.  You want to learn a sad reality, just take a look around you and see all the lost people without a place to eat or call their own, or call home.  

They will also control the magnitude of the attack; the frequency of their attacking, and the intervals of the attack, meaning that they know when to attack, how often they will attack, the height of their attack, or strength of their attack, and how often and where they will attack.  When they want you to be aware that they are there, they will increase the magnitude of their attack and make things happen more frequently.  Just know that there are players out there that are willing to make these things happen, and they take a lot of money to do so, which is why when you have something going on, your own landlord can say to you, "Who are you going to get to care?"  And you can say anybody who will listen and they don't care.  They might feel a little scared but they don't care because they feel as though they are so well protected by their sanctioned to annoy you by not fixing things because they are running a lot of hidden things over onto you.  They call that a sequester, when something is hidden or hard to see, that is happening, but is hard to prove, this is called a sequester, and these are the kinds of things that need to be stopped.  They want to control you through just knowing they have all this money, and they can buy people off, like putting cops, lawyers, judges and doctors in their pockets, to keep their criminals covered over a rug and not get covered by a real news team, which is happening to a lot of people these days.  People are being hurt and there is a war at play here, and they don't even know one is created over their own lives.  They continue to hold to the theory that there is nothing going on, and that no one is set out to hurt them, or harass them even though there are, and it's not always the person that you think it is - sometimes it's the people that you might trust the most, or have a little faith in that are willing to do things to you, to subvert your reality and make it a different one that what it could be.

My advice is to not take it, and don't buy into these fakes, because that's what they are.  There is no amount of money or sequestered action that can be covered, and I can tell you why, even though you might not believe me, but there is a God, and God is real and can come into your life and change things.  God knows everything that you've done, and everything that these people are willing to do, and will judge everyone according to their doing here on earth.  There is no getting away from that.  These people can either come clean and come forward or they will most assuredly lose, if not here on earth, then in the heavens.  These kids who die in wars, or these people that are so torn apart in their world that they believe in all this crap that is going on that they don't need - do not deserve to be dying all the time, or hurting in such sick and twisted ways while they are here on earth, so please don't buy into the false reality that a lot of people are working on creating over you.  Believe in yourselves, and believe in your families and friends and have faith that God sees everything and will make it right in his time.  Just say the Lords prayer and find meaning to it in your life.  Don't ever just repeat words that you don't understand, because one day, you'll need that understanding and you'll be lost in the meaning of the words that were given to you.  Just know that you deserve better, and that God wanted more for you, even though he knew that ALL OF THIS was going to happen, doesn't mean that he ever stopped loving you.  He is for you, and never against you, not even these people that do these things to you.  He loves them the same, even though they can't see it.  This is why I just say, if you can't believe in God, believe in the beautiful things and the things you love, and cling to the things that make sense to you.  

God loves you and so do I.  I love you, and want nothing but the best things for people that are hurting so bad, and don't know where or why these things are happening to them.  I want to explain as much as I can to people - because I see a world lost in the echo of all this pain, and I have a vision that it is 100% fixable, and could work out for everyone, and not just these fools that don't want you to have anything but a fake false reality and a fake falsehood of their own faiths.  Faiths become lost, and people become lost in thinking that they know more then you when they don't.  You are just as worthy as anyone else, so believe that, and never stop believing in that, because you are.  You mean a whole lot to a lot of people regardless if you even know them yet or not.

Like, I said, God won't give up on you, I won't either.  God loves you, and I do too!

Keep on writing or doing what you love to do, even if it takes all day, or all this month to finalize your goal, go after it.  And thanks for reading this far into my writings because it means a lot to me. 

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