Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 7

in #gang-stalking8 years ago

Here, I am going to talk about the Electronic Harassment side of Organized Harassment otherwise known as gang-stalking.

Electronic Harassment:

This can be done through microwaves, or using the electro-magnetic spectrum.  Another way, is through sonic weapon devices.  These devices I will explain into deeper detail.  In short, they can cause sleep deprivation or "fake" psychological disorders.

One of the tactics they will use on a electronic harassment level is knows as V2K or "Voice to Skull" technologies, LRAD or microwave hearing devices.  This can be done through synthetic telepathy which create artificial sounds, noises or voices.  This can be done through microwaves or radiation devices, also through electro-magnetic radiation or sound devices.  The point of using these devices is to cause sleep deprivation or sleep telepathy of a targeted individual.  They want to confuse you basically, or put your mind in distress as we've talked about previously, or to influence you or to mess with the cognitive process of your brain.  They use this kind of equipment on MRAP's in war vehicles, or  Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles, as you see in pictures of war vehicles.  

They can use these weapons to either influence the emotional state of a person or cause sleep deprivation or make you restless, or to radiate a certain part of your body.  Portable versions of these devices are made, but are very hard to acquire although it happens in America today.  And, not to scare you, but they are using these devices on targeted individuals.  Usually people that know something is going on and that it needs to stop, or they just know that there is something that has to be done even though it's hard to prove what is being done, and just know that they are doing bad or evil things over people, or over you.  They can also use directed energy weapons to cause stinging sensations in the body, or cause you to have painful headaches.  Also, they can use these weapons to suggestibility, or suppress cognitive functions within the brain and make you unable to think clearly about something.  They can also cause long-term health affects of the target.

They can also use these to target a persons bio-functions and not just cognitive functions of the brain, but your body as well causing you to choose something that you would not otherwise choose.  It's gearing away from your natural state, in other words, get you to do something that you wouldn't otherwise do.

Another aspect of the gang-stalking attack is through "Remote Neural Monitoring" of a targeted individual.

These can read bio-electric signals, as with from the brain to the body or nerve transmissions.  Basically this is like when your brain sends a message to a certain part of your body, you will be unable to control those parts of the body.  They've done numerous studies of this where people are moving parts of their body and not even know what they are doing.  Or know that they are doing it but, not knowing why because they know it's out of their natural selves to be able to do these things.  In other words, they can give you a lead for and example and cause you to get pulled over.  It can send an electric-magnetic signal to your nerve, and also they use this to study your own bio-electrical signals, so that they can manipulate them through Remote Neural Monitoring.  Also, they use Remote Neural Monitoring so that they can manipulate you for other components of the gang-stalking attack against you.  Basically they can coordinate to use both the gang-stalking and the neural monitoring aspect of gang-stalking to coordinate further attack on you as well as others that I will talk about in further detail.

They can also use Neural Monitoring for dream manipulation or for thought manipulation, or emotional manipulation.  Yes, it can be done through technology.  I'll also explain these deeper within my blogs as you read more, and please leave comments as to your true thoughts, and any way that you think you can subvert a different behavior while people may be being attacked or dealing with a lot of psychological abuse from gang-stalkers.

Many people think that they can actually see what you see, or hear what you hear, and this is not true.  They basically upload your brain scans to play it back to you in real time or try to double feelings through MegaHertz within your own brain, or your bio-functions, or through the many functions of our body.  Basically, when you're driving down the road, they can tell what you are doing through neural monitoring of your brain scans, and then play it back to you in real time.  They can also place sensors nearby or within your body, or to have around you somehow at all times.  Smart technology that is used with cellphones these days have this technology within them which is how they are able to keep meta-data from all your cellphone activity.  They can use; radars, sensors or implants as well for this attack against you.  They even can use from my studies, heart pace makers as well as your cellphones to use against you and cause you to think differently then you normally do.  My best advice is to be aware at all times of your own thoughts and not allow any negative thoughts to counteract with your ability to think clearly about this, as this is what seems to be happening with people all around me, that they are somehow different then what they used to be, and have no idea why it's happening.  Some of which is just to get you onto a certain medication before the whole medical field goes up in smoke because of the smoking gun that is about to happen in this world.  In other words, if you're depressed - you're more then likely being pushed to be depressed, and you aren't really depressed.  You might be in a depression, which is different, because a depression is what happens when war strikes and is economic or environmental and is not a chemical imbalance of the brain, even though they want you to think that it is one.  These drugs aren't to be trusted.  They are also used in gang-stalking to attack peoples neurological systems, and hurt your ability to cops naturally without medications.  They also cause addiction along with addictive behaviors, and mean and cold-heartlessness.  

They have sensors and meters that can pick up sound or vibrations, like when you walk - you make a vibration, or when you talk, you make a vibration with your vocal chords.  They also have motion detectors where when you walk into a bathroom the lights go on.  This is done with motion detectors.  Or like garage floodlights, there can be motion detectors on them to detect movement.  They also have sensors and meters that can pick up heat information.  So if the heat drops or decreases, a meter can pick that up.  Also they have bio-electric meters, basically with any electrical device they can pick up when that information is being used, or when any electricity is being used.  Also, they have sound meters so when you make sound, they have devices that pick up that sound.  Like the clap on, clap off lights.  There is also camera devices that can pick up various information, like; your speed or velocity and how you move.  

They also use radar technology too, in camera's where they can see through walls.  Both the police and military now have something like that, and you can look that up yourself, but it's very true.  I'm not trying to scare you, but this technology is very advanced and it's real, and it's going to get a lot worse and not better.  Not even the people know how these things are all going to work out for humans - they just use these technologies, simply because it's the next best thing on the market, but have no idea what they are actually allowing to happen - such as the use for gang-stalking and criminal activities - even within our own government, police and military uses.  You can look it up online, "through the wall radar" or "through the wall camera's" to see that what I'm talking about it real.  It is!  Scary, but real!

Along with these meters they have pressure sensors and meters.  For an example they can detect when the tensions are high or just detect when you close your fist or anything within the body, they can pick up on through neural monitoring of an individual.  Also, they have eye tracking sensors and meters to track your eye movements.  

They can also relay information through just people watching you, so that they can let other people know where they are in the gang-stalking attack or to let another person know what to do next.  Old fashioned cellphone technology used to help hurt you in an attack.  

The trick they use to neural monitoring is to trick you into thinking that they can actually read your brain or read your thoughts, although they are not far off from it probably, this is not how it works.  Basically, the brain scans look like a heart monitor where the lines are going up and down all the time.  They can't read your actual thoughts, but read the frequencies of those scans and remotely transfer them back to you in real time.  This is how some people with gang-stalking attacks claim that they made their bodies move or act in a certain way that was unnatural to them.

So, with a gang-stalking attack on a person they can record all sorts of data about a person into a computer and use this information in various ways.  They can record this information as a preset.  They can record basically how you react to something you love or something you hate, for an example something you love will go off at a range of 500, and something you hate will go off around 900-1000, they use this neural monitoring of these scans to then try and trick you into doing something that you wouldn't naturally do, for an example, you might get mad a lot of times about something, and as long as they can keep that thing that you're mad about present in your life, they can basically turn up the heat on an individual, and on an individual level, making you react a different way then you normally would.

Another way they can augment this technology to harass you is to just know when your heart rate increases or decreases.  For an example they can read your brain patterns and can tell when you're about to be in a thought process of doing something about how you are being treated, and just before you get on your computer to start typing a letter or something like that, they can hack into your computer, and can do this on a constant basis simply because they know it bothers you, and stops you from gaining any clarity on a matter that you are trying to work on, or work out.  They can also be able to tell when you are going to watch your favorite movie or show on television simply so they can plan an attack outside your home and have car alarms go off outside your home.  But, please don't think that these things don't also normally happen, because those sensors are sometimes bad and will go off with a slight breeze that goes by.  These cars are not set up there to harass you, and even if they are, you can tune them out.  Just do your best, unless these things are happening all the time to you - then it is probably gang-stalking happening and you never knew that they were gang-stalking, just bad timing for everything, and all the time, and wonder why it's always happening to you.

Also, just know that there are people that like the hurt in the world and just love to hurt people.  They don't need to get paid to do this, they just get excited to see a person they don't care about or like get upset.  So, once they know something will upset you, they'll keep doing these things to you, or keep setting out to.  Just be aware of these kinds of people and stay away from them.  They incite anger for no reason at all while other people get paid for it, and end up in jail or being gang-stalked themselves.  Remember that this is all tricks of the Devil, and are not God.  God would want much better for you then you've gotten this far in your life and wouldn't have ever wanted you to go through some of the things that you've gone through this far, so just know that.  God is not going to purposefully set you on a path that is that evil, only people and fallen angels want these negative things for you and will stop at nothing to continue their attack or get an end result from an attack.  As long as they can control you, take money from you, or make you spend money or keep tabs on you.  This is the trick they use, which are [places] and [people] like certain cops; doctors, judges and other trained professionals who are supposed to protect you.  These people are just people too, and are not always doing their jobs to protect you, or any people.  Like I said earlier, some people just pride themselves on hurting other people and for no real reason other then to smile about it.  

Don't be deceived and be aware as you can, and always remember God loves you.  God doesn't want these bad things to be happening to you...  But, God knows.  Keep looking up, and God Bless!  I love you!

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