Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 4
The List
Here, we were talking about how you get placed on these lists through health code violation of the state, and child protective services. They consider that you might be a threat because of something that you went through as a child, so that you are now deemed a "threat" by these assessment teams and they can keep you on those lists indefinitely. I'll explain these further in detail later in my chapters about Gang-stalking in America through covert or organized harassment.
Basically, when you are put on these lists from a child into an adult, you are basically placed into a modern day eugenics program, but they don't use that term because they changed around the wording of their programs and it's now called the Department of Mental health and Hygiene. And, each state has a mental health hygiene department, but call themselves with different names, but they all work under the same code of ethics, which basically is immoral and has no code of ethical treatment of a targeted individual. So what they can do is basically human experimentation under the disguise of a control plan carried out by a health assessment team.
Another way to get into this program is through being on a government watch list. If you are put onto a watch list of any kind, wither through someone else or the police themselves, or other authority figure, you're more likely to be investigated by federal agencies. They are going to try and entrap you into doing or saying something that you don't mean to say. They do this under the disguise of assessment, to conduct all these tactics that are used in gang-stalking. It's a spiritual war they are conducting and carrying out when they are limiting your resources and making sure that you don't have money to buy a lawyer or be made whole. There are a lot of retaliatory behaviors that they will use on an individual once they know something about these attacks that are being created against them.
Like I said earlier, they want your friends and family to think you are doing nothing about your life, when they are really happening to you and not from anything that you're doing personally. Another way that you can get placed on this list is through referrals, either by you committing yourself or by someone else saying things about you to get you placed into an institution for up to 72 hours, which can turn into 100's of hours and even months before they let someone out. It's not a real great way to treat a person with mental health issues in the first place, as these people are people that deserve the same air that we all breathe and need to be let out for fresh air. They don't get to see anything beyond the walls that surround a square footage of their buildings and then they can carry out their strange attacks against you. These people aren't there to be your friends. They aren't even trained to be friendly to you. If you speak out or want to be released - chances are you're going to be held in there a lot longer and without anyone who is on your side to say that you're not a danger to yourself or others. In fact, they will say they want someone with the authority to tell you that you are able to be released back into the community, when your friends and family doesn't understand that you are under attack from all angles and now they are just partaking in the crime against you, as they don't know what to do about you, so they've basically given up on you.
This can be done either by yourself reporting yourself, a family member reporting you, or the police reporting you. You can be placed on a 72 hour hold if anyone reports you as a danger to yourself and/or others. Once a police reports you, it doesn't matter if they are good people or not, they have the authority to report you and you will be put into their institutions. Then, once you are in this institution, this is where they can place you on a threat assessment list or report you to these government secret watch lists against your will. This is another thing that you have to be careful of because this is another thing that they do to aggravate you and agitate you. And when you try to defend yourself, they make you look crazy to the people around you because you want someone outside to see that this is gang-stalking, and covert operations, but - the more you speak out about it, the more crazy you look and the more crazy you seem. But, one day, I'm going to prove that these people are wrong, and that you're not the one in the wrong for knowing how you feel to be true. You have to know that you're worth more in your heart, and that you aren't a threat, and that you deserved better then to go through all these tactics of destroying your lives. I mean, your financial life; your social life and your home life can become obliterated by covert gang-stalking, and no one in your family is willing to recognize that this is actually happening to you, and not from you. You have to know that you are worthwhile and know that you deserve better then these people are willing to treat you, because you are. You are worth more! Don't you ever forget that either.
It seems to them that you are acting crazy, or that you are acting mean, but because they don't see the covert stalking and harassment going on then they report you and you end up in their institutions from a non-violent person and a person that doesn't know that these things are happening to you. There is definitely a deniability factor at play here as well when you can't prove that these things are happening to you, instead you just have to let it ride out and know that you are worth more then whatever these people know about what you see, and what you are able to defend yourself on. Eventually, these crimes will reveal themselves as such, because what these people are doing inside of these hospitals is wrong, and just because a doctor or psychiatrist has some kind of degree, doesn't make them any more of a person then you are. In fact, I see that you are more of a person to just know that there are some evil people carrying out their schemes and plans to hurt people in the ways that they are.
Another way they attack you in these ways is because they are trying to slow kill you. Along with the energy directed weapons that can be used with microwaves, they are trying to slow cook you, so that you become agitated easily and can't hold yourself together. This is why you can get upset really quickly or made to feel as though you are easily provoked to feel anxiety and even angry, is because that is what heating up your body unnaturally will make you feel. Especially if it's being done to you all the time. They are again, trying to manipulate a crisis so they can control you, and get you isolated from people that care about you to carry out their attacks against you.
This slow kill makes it look like you just naturally broke down and eroded from a psychological destruction, and that you just broke down, so that the liability looks like it's on you. This is a form of psychological warfare against you, and is why they continue to do this year after year, and they keep getting away with it, because they make it look like you just naturally broke down where you wouldn't have, and knowing that you wouldn't have is the key. Again, you have to know that you're better then these attacks against you.
This is just another way to make you out to look like the criminal when really it's just a psychological way of attacking you, and has very much to do with spiritual warfare against you. It's to control you and once they get to control you, they want to use their tactics to attack you and keep you in their institutions longer then needed, and they also do this so they can break you. Get you to break in any way they can so that they can perform deadly attacks against you even further. So when [police] set you up or anybody, they just make it look like you're the nut case when they are the ones that are the nut cases. They are just lying to you as though you are mentally unsound even though they are the wolves in sheep's clothing. They are lying to you, and about you, to deceive you. This is not to help you or to help anyone that is under their watches, unless of course they are crazy, but I hardly believe anyone is truly crazy over they are being made out to be crazy, even though they are not.
There are many things that they are willing to do, but be sure that you know the difference and know that you were born for better. Know your worth more, and always be on the look out for people because they do not know this stuff. They haven't studied it, or watched as many things or seen as much as I have personally, and maybe you too. Just be as aware of these attacks as you can be and know that you're worth more then what they are willing to give you. Like, justice, truth, or just a real chance at getting a life, or just being paid correctly for the matter. These people will stop at nothing to get you to break down, and erode, and just lose your mind, so don't fall for it. Stay humble and stay meek, and let God take care of the rest.
Is there no way to fight back at this? I've never heard of this before.
Yes there is, and it's called prayer and a lot of hurt that you have to endure. Just do what you can to stay safe is all I can say, but I will get on that later in more writings that I do. The best thing to stay safe from these attacks is through prayer though. There is just way too many damaging things that people are willing to do. Thanks for the comments. Bless your heart.