Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 15

in #gang-stalking8 years ago (edited)

Final Thoughts & Sharing Something That's Been On My Heart:

People need to know what I've been going through so they can determine themselves if they feel that I'm being gang-stalked or if I'm dealing with targeted harassment and organized crime.  So, this one might be hard to get everything out, but I am going to give it my best.  Remember that these are just words and that I can't give you a motion picture or a movie for you to watch, as then I think you would see what I've been going through and agree with me that there is some high-crime criminals making sure that I'm hurting and that I can't get ahead.  For if I did get ahead in life, I would be able to help people immensely, and I would be willing to do those things, as I think it's sad what is going on in this country.  Truly sad!

When I was a kid, I was almost kidnapped by what I feel is the same guy that you see on television who kidnapped Jacob Wedderling.  But, the thing of it is here is that Jacobs killer and kidnapper was what I believe to be in connection with these same criminals, who protected him to continue doing what he did.  It's not that they cared about him, but that they wanted whatever they wanted from him to continue kidnapping and hurting little boys and children.  There is just an eerie feeling I get now when I see this case on television and I believe it's as if the news, the organizations behind government just want for these people to be free enough, to continue their crimes on humanity.  I could have been kidnapped and still to this day, people hardly believe me, or maybe they just feel as though there isn't a thing they can do about it.  Mind you, cops never did anything for me as a kid but hurt me.  

There was an officer Bennett that was in his job description to hurt me even more.  He always badgered me, and always harassed me and my family as kids and was always out to hurt me and not help me.  If you asked me the guy was insane and shouldn't have ever been a cop.  I remember asking my mom, why this guy was trying to hard to hurt our family and no one ever had a real honest answer for me, because they probably wondered the same thing.

I grew up constantly bullied by kids and made fun of, and I had rocks thrown at me, and was even shot in the head with a b.b. gun by a kid who's father was also a cop.  His son's name was David and he made fun of me in front of me at school about it, and told them what they had done, and it was just a big laugh for the room.  I was in the fifth grade and my teacher didn't even do anything about it.  I was the laughing stalk of the room, and no one, not one cared besides one, and his name was Andy.  Andy told me just to forget about these people, and so I did.  I at least had one friend on my side, and he turned into my best friend that is now dead.

In Junior High School I got a little more respect then what I had before and a little bit more in High School, but - the fact that in 9th or 10th grade I was shot at by another guy named Eric who's dad was another police officer.  One week later he became a cop himself.  I never was ever made whole for these things, and knew that there was real bullets in that gun as I heard bullets fly by my head.  I realized at that moment that I wasn't safe, and that I could have been dead.  I was running away from these people because they were thugs driving a black truck and riding in the back of the pick-up truck illegally, and thought it was just so wrong how these are the kinds of people that become cops.  To hurt people these ways and not allow them to be left alone.  These people were thugs of the town that I grew up in, and had respects from all their friends.  I only had a few friends, but I was not treated right by the rest of my peers.  Either they didn't care, or they didn't want to care that I was being hurt, or stick up for me - so no one would.

When I got a little bit older and I started getting jobs, things were okay for a little while until I was ripped apart from the people that I loved.  Either through moving, or being not allowed to speak to certain people with their parents knowing or I had been attacked on by their parents saying, don't be around this kid - for whatever reason that I was left behind by some parents as I was looked at as a poor kid, and poor kids can't hang out with the rich kids.  This is just the way that it was.  And, I was poor.  I couldn't be their real friends.

I got into negative things back then, but I was confused, and hurting, and felt as though I needed a release.  So I started to release myself with drugs and alcohol thinking that it'd gain me some respects, as I'd say a good 99% or more of my class was a pot-head.  There was the weatherman's son who was a pot-head, they lived just fine in Imperial Hills and did just fine when he got into trouble, their parents could help them out.  I didn't have that, so I eventually stopped doing what I was doing.  I felt a lot of unfair treatments based on money, and the lack thereof money, that I just knew that something was wrong in this world.  And, I was right.  There was something wrong with this world.  

None of the appropriate people would get into trouble, only the lower income or middle class would get into trouble with the law, the super rich only got small time punishments for their crimes if anything would happen at all.  But, if I was in trouble with the law, I would always have cops trying to hurt me, and hurt me badly.

I had jobs left and right, and a lot of these jobs started to not pay me correctly, and it wasn't until I was working for my mom recently as a Personal Care Attendant that the place I was working for, wasn't operating in a decent way.  He wasn't paying me all my hours, and I would mention these things to them, but nothing was ever done, and I was turning up with missing hours, and I had to find something else to do.  I started applying everywhere, and getting interviews and even would get job offers until I got a letter in the mail a day before starting work that "they found it necessary to rescind on their previous offer of employment due to either a credit report, an investigative credit report or something that I had put on my application."  The only thing is that I felt discriminated against and that these things just aren't right.  I've applied at more places then I could afford to get to, and keep eating and staying alive.  I started working for a guy named Tim where I was helping shovel snow and wanted to get into a truck.  I wanted to be able to work so bad, and just be able to keep going, get my car back and fight these things with money, but everytime I got close to getting my license back, or getting enough money to get my license back I was stopped from working either through bullying or harassment that I felt was not right for these people to do.  I had just said that I was almost there and that I could drive myself to work and this guy just flipped on me.  It seemed he was convoluted the same way these other companies were and that I wasn't being given a fair chance at working for him.  

I also, experienced sabotage from a place that I lived at, where I was told by a guy that the landlord was going to pay him and a few others well to help the landlord guy get rid of me and a few others.  I feel as though this was a direct target that was on me, and I was attacked.  I had popped tires, and busted out windows and the next thing that went was my transmission - which the transmission guy told me that something had definitely been tampered with because all the teeth of the gears inside my transmissions box were chewed up completely.  You wouldn't have been going no where.  I felt retaliated against in the fashion that I didn't know what to do.  I didn't want to end up homeless which is why I started living with my mom again.  But, these things were happening to me in an organized way.  I had people staring me down on my apartment deck, looking to break into my car, or do something damaging where I couldn't prove it was to happen unless I sat out there on that deck.  So that's just what I did.  

I lost my jobs, I was working doing a paper route, and after getting my tires popped and things like that, and having to get these things fixed, I would just buy them and get them fixed but I lost my second job before then at a Mexican Grill restaurant.  But, I got depressed and started taking medications for these reasons, along with other reasons that I felt as though depression at that time was real.  I thought it was something wrong with my brain and not the way I think today.  I don't believe in depression as something that just existed in peoples heads or whatever.  I think depressions are created by environments and economic reasons such as what was happening to me, but there isn't a pill to take that can fix these things.  They say that you have to fight for what you want in life, and I was fighting tooth and nail for everything that was happening to me.  I was trying to tell people that just couldn't listen to me, because whatever was happening to me was easier just to blame me for these things happening to me, then to admit that these things were out of my control.  Either way, I was feeling out of control - just in the fact of losing over and over, again and again that I wanted to speak out against these people who will continue to get away with what they are doing, and evidently, all speaking out did was put me in more trouble.  

When we had imminent dangers in an apartment where we lived and I went though college and know that these things weren't right, that there was never a proper inspection done to the place that I was living at with my mom, I felt as though this was created over us to look as though the place just eroded over time and that our abilities to handle the situation were the only issue when this isn't true.  When you live somewhere, and you can't fix black mold from the foundation being that there are holes in it, you're going to get mice and moles and rodents and other bugs running around and flying all around you, and how long can a person handle this kind of torture, living in this kind of imminent danger?  Afterall, it's the law that states that a misdemeanor would be issued for every day that the place had been left uninhabitable.  I felt that these landlords were protected to continue running the facts over our heads.  And, as long as they silenced me from writing and calling lawyers - that this was the goal.  

They said I'm too preoccupied with the damages that it caused me, but wouldn't you be?  You not only were sick and unable to sleep, but you had to somehow pay your rent, and the place was not fine...  might look like it at first glance but we had water intrusion damages from floods that we were left in, and had a massive vermin issue where anybody who's anybody would want to leave, but it was winter and I couldn't just decide to go homeless.

I'm now homeless, but, I feel that even my homelessness is to build this up onto me where now that I'm isolated in my attempt at getting help, I'm not getting any.

I've written every news station and paper that I could think of, including the president of the United States of America, I've written and have been writing on steemit, and everywhere that I could think of I've been calling looking for answers.  I know what is going on with me is wrong, but no one else could even handle the story that I have to tell.  They can't see that this is real or being some crazy person, even though these things do happen, and happen all the time.  Landlords are all in cahoots together and convoluted together to make sure that their actions aren't found out about, and the only news that's being covered here is being covered by a rug.  It's not being covered in the ways that it could be.  And people with things happening less to them are somehow able to get justice here and there, but when it's this bad and you've gotten body lice and things like that, that no one wants - no one will help you, for fear that they will end up with these things too.  

I've also worked at a place, gotten my drivers license back and was paying my child support only to be harassed by police after police, given a ticket for a suspended license, even though my child support hearing officer tried to fix their mistake because I was doing the right thing.  The judge on the other hand just didn't want to hear it, and said that they didn't understand knowing full well that I was trying my best to do the right thing.  

You see, they don't want people to do the right thing, over the wrong.  They want you to become so convoluted that you become the criminal, when they are truly the real criminals, only to use their many laws without love and devoid of love to be able to run the mill over on anyone it wants to.  These people are criminals working within the system and I know that they are now, which is why now I am going to court for a disorderly conduct where they are still allowing these things to be run over my family.  But, again, I know it's wrong what they are doing to me, where I was fighting a real issue and writing the city, writing lawyers and making call after call to try get help.  If I had the money, I would have already gotten help, but that's just another side of this attack.  It's not allowing me to work.  It's not allowing me to be free in this country, and not allowing me to keep my jobs though I fought things over and over trying to get my freedoms back.  Just before I'm about to make ends meet though, I'm being harassed, and having to go through things that are unnecessary to go through for a person that is seeking that help himself.  

Where do I find my healing?  Where do I find that help?  I find it by the Glory of God.  I find it in prayer, and with love, and in ways that these people would never know.  Because I saw people through news and through things that people were killing themselves in this country, and I believed in depression up until I realized that these people probably didn't want to die at all, and that they were being made to feel just so downright broken down, that anyone would wish for death.  But, death wasn't the thing that we wanted, over a better economic situation that we were fighting for - for so long, or a better environment that we were fighting also to stay in places where the environments were just sick and the people were just sick, and no one cared about a damn thing.  So, now - my testimonies are all online in ways that can't be silenced unless these people kill the internet.

The internet in it of itself is convoluted with lie after lie, getting people to believe in things and be so damn naive that they trust in this websites where they are getting their information from.  They trust facebook is a place to connect and that the games are all fun for you, when it's not.  It's all there to control you, and manipulate you into thinking that it's all good, but it's not.  It's just a tool for the new world order to reach into anyone's information that they want to, and to see where they need to go next to perform their little street theater and work people over.

This street theater is just like the movies, only it's only news whenever the targets are dying, and silenced in other ways.  It's not the news for people to go to and ask for help, and it's not the news for people to seek out to tell their stories, and if it is - So Help Me God - Help Me!  Help me find someone that can actually help me be free from tyranny.  Because I'm being hurt, and my whole family is also being hurt where they are thinking that I wouldn't have already taken control of my life had these things not happened and continuously happened to me, over believing that it's something that I'm doing that is wrong.

They need to know that I loved them more then I was able to show, or able to give while fighting relentlessly for things that I wanted to stop!


I just want the things that are happening to me to stop and I want people to see them for what they are.  The cops are in cahoots with the devil, and all these actors, who aren't helping me, but making it seem as though they are, without ever truly helping anyone.  It hurts people, and it hurt me.  I hope that one day I can prove myself, and my family wrong of me, because that's what I was out to do regardless of what they think or not.

I think if you read, and really read what I have to say here, that you will know the truth about what happened to me.

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