Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 14

in #gang-stalking8 years ago

How Much Does A Gang-stalker Get Paid?

There is different levels of gang-stalking and covert harassment or organized harassment.  These people are stalkers and they get paid thanks to your federal government and the people who pay these people are paid to destroy your life, and destroy your living.  They are people that take shifts and earn a lot of money doing these things.  People aren't typically going to do these things for nothing.  They do it for money and there is proof all over online that these things are now hiring.  It's a job, and people get paid to do these things.

They hack into bank accounts and hurt people financially where the target doesn't get a break and doesn't have a second to breathe basically without some form of harassment being ran over on them.  They are doing damage to people, different parts of the body or mind and trade integrity to hurt your health.

Although people are hurting peoples lives and basically killing people for money, you have to do the math here.  A $1.00 per hour isn't enough to do the thing that basic gang-stalkers will do, and yet $5.00 per hour isn't enough either.  These people are basically selling their souls to the Devil to do what they are willing to do for money, so we have to say that at the bare minimum people are getting paid $10.00 per hour which turns into about $2,432 per month, and people can make do with this extra income, and sabotage peoples lives.  They could have another job on the side and be sitting just fine, as long as their daddy is a cop and they are well protected to continue to do what they are willing to do.  This would be substantial amount of money per month, especially if that money is unreported to the government.  I don't know how people would get taxes figured out to hack into peoples lives to destroy their lives, but I'm sure that it happens.  If you've read my recent work, you will see that people are hiring psychological operators even through the military and the army here in America, so it's not hard to see that these street theater crimes that are taking place on peoples lives are all created, and it's not something that people are just doing themselves to consistently lose their incomes or lose there cars being broken and busted up.  These people are perpetrators at such awful costs.  So I imagine that the better you are the more you get paid.  So, let's say that the people in airplanes and helipcopters get paid $25.00 per hour on top of what they are already earning, then they must be earning some pretty decent money, when these people are basically slow killing you, or allowing you to be let down so bad that you feel like you can't get out of whatever it is that is going on TO you.  

But remember folks, these are not things that are happening because of something that you did, rather these are just sick and ruthless people that are trained through a program not to care about a target, for any reason.  They simply don't even need a reason to do what they are doing, when it pays as good as that, don't you think?  They could live a nice life comfortably without feeling as though they could be threatened by anything that is coming out online, because they obviously have nice things, nice cars, and nice homes and designer clothes and look like the average every day person, but aren't - because they've basically sold their souls to the devil himself.  

The point here is that the perpetrators will always have money, and always be able to pay for anything wrong that they want to pay for, which is why the mill is being dropped on some people, because it's all paid for criminal activity and all thanks to your government sponsoring these attacks against you.  So, don't think that you are getting away from gang-stalking because this is something that is well funded by our government and they just bleed out corruption everywhere, so it's not going to stop any time soon.  It's only going to get worse, because there is a war at play and a huge spiritual warfare that continues to this day, and just looks a lot differently when there is money and crud-heads everywhere that will take this kind of crooked money to so do the things that they are willing to do.

Peoples lives are being disenfranchised all over and some people don't know why, but it's pretty fair to say that I've got this down to a science almost as to where these people are in their lives who simply just don't give a shit.  They are the filthy rich who don't worry about a thing besides their souls, which is like the Rockefeller's going to hell altogether for comiting war crimes all over humanity.  I mean 10, 11, 12 heart implants to keep some scum bucket alive, and for what?  For Mr. Fakebook Zuckerburg to run this scam over on people as if it's a social media site?  How fun can it be to become so split apart from your families and friends that you aren't able to see your own friends or families posts in their news feeds unless you're going to their actual page.  Tsu, didn't do that, and wanted everything to happen in real time, or as close to real time as possible.  Facebook is just throttling peoples posts left and right and not paying anyone for their content, though tsu wanted to pay you for your content and got silenced by what I think was the agenda of the false paradigm of the left or the right.  Either way, these people get a lot of money to trouble you with something that you're sharing all your personal information on, and just to use it to harm people and kill their responses in life.  They don't want anyone really talking to each other - only fighting, and where tsu was at play.  We were donating to charities and helping empower peoples lived with information, and really engaging with our world in a unique way that facebook couldn't ever top which is why Zuckerburg wanted to buy and the owner of tsu, said no, I'm not going to sell you my idea's, and sell out, and right after this 5.2 million of us including me was censored and taken off line, with everything that we had been working on.  We didn't believe in censorship and certainly didn't want to sell out because we were not sell outs like you all are over there in your New World Order scheming up all over the America people.  And, I'm sure it pays well, knowing that today facebook is worth over $1 Trillion Dollars today, that should be being split up with the America people, but I'm sure no one cares anything about it over in the New World Order tower of craziness running over the American people with your facebook flag.  I mean, why don't we just fly a facebook flag here in America, afterall it seems to be the only real thing that people knew about.

Anyways, I'm absolutely sure that these high-crime paying positions can pay even $30.00/hour or more, depending on what kind of slow kill you're willing to become a part of, but I'm also sure that some of these criminals are things like cops, doctors, psychiatrists and lawyers as well as just average actors, like skateboarders, junkies and other types of street theatrics they use in gang-stalking.  I'm sure they have landlords all the way down to people living in apartments where you live working on this slow kill with them, because - money talks and crooked walk.  This is also why Andy Griffith isn't your judge, because Andy Griffith would see through all the convoluted things that are going on with the American people today, and he's just the actor in a show.  But, this is why I know that these people are working on high-crimes, against people that know they have rights and want to make sure that they can get their rights back, but can't.  And, all because of a convoluted system in favor of their sick plans and plots and schemes to take over America and kill the people without a qualm.  Sanctions made to kill the average people in this country and make sure that YOU can't speak out against what they are willing to do.

It's sick and sad, but it's true.  Don't believe me?  Just ask google.  "covert harassment."  "crisis actors."  Just search almost any term I've mentioned here or in my previous posts and I'm sure you'll stop wanting to watch these simple cat and dog videos and do some real studying of your own, especially if things are happening to you.  But, either way.  God knows what's going on, and I do too.  Not only did I ask the Lord for it, but I believed that the Lord would set me in front of this information telling the truth about what is going on in my life, and I think I've found a lot of truth.

These people are gangsters in regular clothes and just want to hurt the average working Americans life today.  They don't care about your rights, or what you want to be made whole about, or how you want to be heard, because they simply don't care about you.  Not even a little bit.  

If there are 6 perps per day getting paid just $10.00 per hour for 8 hour shifts, that would turn out to be a load of money.  If these people are willing to pay amounts into the $30,000 - $40,000 range just to stop one person from being able to live a normal life, then what don't you think these people are willing to pay for?  These people have loads and loads of money they don't know what to do with, so this is the kind of thing they pay for?

If you were to give me just a 1% of what these people are getting paid per hour, like cops, lawyers and judges and psychiatrist and therapists.  Just that alone would fix my life and my families life, but you think these people care to help you at all?  They don't care to help the average American life better lives, otherwise they would help you.  Instead their money goes into hurting you along with tens of thousands of other people in this country as well, and when you look at that cost that your federal government is willing to pay, you will know that money in it of itself is owned and run by the devil.  Just think about how many people die at the end of a bullet or at the end of a suicide that I believe is caused by these people lacking love in this country and many other area's of the earth altogether.  You're talking about $100's of millions of dollars being spend every YEAR on making sure that you don't get to have a normal life, and will think that you want to die, but don't really want to die over having a better economic and environmental circumstance to live in.  You want to be free in America and were raised to be taught that we are a free country.  Trust me these people knew what they were doing from the very beginning, because if we were truly free in this country - people wouldn't be commenting and saying the things that they are going through, and we wouldn't have whistle-blowers trying to do the right thing and being silenced to tell their truth in this country or having to run for asylum from America all for doing the right thing.  Take Edward Snowden for an example; where all he wanted to do is tell the American people the truth, and do the right thing and now he's running for his life?  Get a grip folks because this world is run by the devil.


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