Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 11
Fine Tuned Attacks through Gang-stalking or Organized Harassment:
What they do is build a profile of you where the targeted individual is observed from a distance and they build up knowledge about you before the attack takes place, to fine tune the attack and make their attacking you more effective. Just like combat in war, they study their enemy before they attack. And, to the gang-stalking individual, you are their enemy. They build on an attack to fine tune their attack against you in a way to destroy you; to control you, or harass you, or even kill a person. They want to slow kill you as I've stated before or get you to do their work for them and get you to hurt yourself or finish the job by killing yourself. Don't fall for what they are doing, and please don't kill yourself. You're worth more then that, and always know that, it's these things happening to you that make you feel so low sometimes that you feel as though you might want to die, but it's not the real you. You don't want to die, and surely don't want to kill yourself over the fact that you wanted economics to be right for you, and your environments to be right so that you can build a life that you wanted. These people don't want you to build that kind of life for yourself, and they are relentless and will stop at nothing to get their end game.
With that being said, the gang-stalking, you'll realize that it didn't just start when you are coming to find this stuff out, you'll have to look back and realize that these things have been going on for a long time. It's strategic and evil what these people are willing to do, because they want to trick you and make you feel as though your only way out is to hurt yourself, when you know, that is not what you really want to do. You wanted the life that you wanted to get, and not some made up fictional life with everything in your way from getting that life.
When you look back, you'll realize that you were being attacked in a way that made you feel as though these things just happened, and that you were on a bad stream of your luck, but - coming to the realization that these things could be or are planned out, you come to realize exactly what they are doing, and that is to subvert your reality and make sure that you aren't able to make it. For an example, when I herd a neighbor say to me that he was going to get a free months rent, or some money off his rent to help the landlord get rid of me, and telling it to me like he didn't even care, he knew that it would be my word against his own and for the monies part, he really didn't care as he said it with a smirk on his face as though he's got the upper hand. He had Bible sayings and quotes from the Bible around his house, and acted as though he was superior to me and that he meant more to God then anyone else, and these are just fictions of the truth, because no one is better then anybody I don't think in the eyes of God, but it's just a matter of how you go about dealing with these things. At that time, I just felt retaliated against for no reason, and couldn't figure out why. I asked myself all the time, why would someone take this jerks offer in the first place, and the only thing I could come up with is that money means everything to these people and people just don't care about you when there is money on the table. People are easily tricked with money and money is the greatest facade of mankind. It makes people do evil and really stupid things to each other, all for the love of money.
This is why you can become harassed by cops as well, because their end game is making sure that you aren't going to be able to talk bad about these people and let other people know what they've done to you. Like I've stated earlier, that I was shot at by a cop, who's father was a cop, and who's grandfather was probably a cop. So, who's got the upper hand in this battle? Who knows how to fight the government? Who knows how to stop these things from happening when it's seemingly as though people are in it, in their favor, to hurt you, and will stop at nothing to carry out their crimes over you. You have every right to speak out, and shouldn't ever live in fear. These people did a great job with me at that age as I was so young that I didn't want to speak to cops, because I didn't only fear them then, but I obviously was made to be afraid of them, because of what they were doing. I wanted to be a cop when I was a little kid because I thought that they made a difference in peoples lives in a good way. It wasn't until things started happening to me, and I mean really happening to me, that I decided for myself that I wanted to speak out against them.
Notice how I haven't mentioned any names as well? It's because I want to protect their identity in the fashion where I know if something is said about them personally, that I would just be attacked on harder - so, you can feel the fear there where I'm concerned, because I just am so sick of the torturous feeling where I feel so let down, and hurt by these people that I'm still afraid of where I'll end up if I bring up names, but I got their names, and I know who they are. I know who's in on this attack to, and I know their key roles in the attack because I've been connecting these things for a really long time now, just as a real cop would. But, these cops, they don't want you to talk, and when you even bring up laws that should protect you, you aren't going to be protected, but become more hurt through trying to bring up your rights, and the laws that THEY wrote up to protect you, when the only law they forgot is how to love. They just have no hearts, and their end game is to get you hurt or to make you want to die, and to finalize their attack yourself. If you believe you are actually suicidal when these things are happening to you, you're wrong and you should feel a lot of joy in knowing that these trials you are going through are from a malicious attack against you, and just feel good in knowing that you wanted to live a good life, and help people immensely and would be to this day had you been given a real chance.
People who feel gang-stalked feel as though they lost their lives; they get down and feel in the dumps often and feel as though they can't have a regular life because in some ways, their life has been taken from them in many aspects of the natural progression of reaching out for their goals and dreams. Like, I wanted to have a family by now and to have a good paying job and a good healthy relationship, but I feel as though I can't have that anymore. I'm not that old, but I'm not getting any younger and thought I'd already have those things by now, where I feel I know that if these things never happened to me, I would have had a lot more of a chance of getting the life that I first was after. Hell, I could even be a drummer in a rock band, and writing music that I've been wanting to write from the tears that I've cried. But, somehow I don't think I could handle it, because I hear music and some of the screams from peoples hearts in music and feel as though I'd break down right there on the stage because there is just way too much inside of this heart, that screaming from my heart and singing would just make me feel like I was running down in my heart, and hurting in a way where I would be crying out, and not singing anymore. I would fall apart on stage, and in the lights, because I would just break down.
It's not that I have a problem with crying in front of millions of people or anything, but that I would just like to actually get through the song lyrics without crying and sometimes, even now I feel as though I can't. I can't even do it when I'm alone sitting by the shoreline of some river or lake, and just all by myself listening to my headphones and singing, I get struck by a chord and words and I end up bawling. It's because I'm emotional about these things and have so much ready to give to this world that I haven't been able to give that just cuts me up inside.
I'm not going to say that all attacks against a person is a gang-stalking attack, but that's just the point here. These things have been going on for a lot longer then you realize and even maybe well before you were born. That is something you'll have to find out on your own, regardless if it's just people being mean to be mean, or if there is some hidden plan on these attacks. But, when you lose job after job, or money isn't paid right, and sometimes not paid at all right before you are trying to get your life back together to make something right in your life. You have to realize something. You're tightening up your life and are supposed to be getting help from these people who are there to protect you and not hurt you, and if all you are getting is more and more hurt... do the math there yourself. These things aren't just happening to you for no reason. You can easily find people with a lot less happening to them getting justice in their lives, so you have to ask yourself, why are these things happening to me, and why are they consistently happening to you right before you are able to put things back together from a previous attack against you? You have to question these things because if you don't question these things that you're going to be left in the dark an awful lot by yourself just figuring that these things happen, and they do, but that those are always the case. So next time something bad happens to you, and just before you were going to pay off a ticket or something and get more freedom back in just being able to help your own family out more and be able to a lot more for other people and get more work hours, or something like that, you have to realize something and figure it out for yourself. These things don't just happen to people, and if they do, then this whole world is screwed up and there isn't any fair justice out there for anybody. When all it takes is money to create justice, you have to know that money is a huge lie. It's a lie because sometimes the people with money don't so deserve the justice that they get, and the people without money don't always deserve the injustice that takes place in their lives.
The F.B.I. started to do psychological profiles back in the 1980's, so just so you know these type of things have been going on for a really long time. They have been trying to map out the psychology of people for a long time. Even long before all that, the C.I.A. or any other investigative agency, before they go in on their enemy in the military, or in war, they study their opponent before even going in and hitting them with an attack. So, this is what is taking place with you.
Another tactic that the gang-stalkers use on their victims is psychological manipulation which I will talk further about in the next segment of my blog feed. But, just know that these people don't want the best outcome for you, and sometimes there are real criminals behind the badges and the loaded weapons and they are targeting you to act out to where they feel they have sanctions to come and abruptly ruin you life. Sometimes, people are being killed even in these kinds of attacks because they don't want people to know their rights, or stand up for their rights, because it doesn't serve their purpose.
There is a lot of money they are trying to sit on, where they fear that if you could take them into court with a competent judge that isn't also colluded on the side of this attack, that their whole campaign against you could crumble and you would deserve millions if not billions of dollars for the attacks that took place on your life. And, in fact just what is the price these days going on peoples lives? What is the price of a human heart? What is the price of a lung transplant, or a heart transplant? These super rich people do it, and somehow they get their organs, so what's the price then when you hear bullets whizzing by your head in the 9th grade? What is the price that you think is owed to you for these attacks on your spiritual, and ethical life where it's concerned? What is the price of being manipulated and attacked on or harassed as a kid by people that are supposed to protect you.
My kidnapper was the same guy as Jacob Wedderling's was, and Jacob and I share a lot in common, but the only part missing is that he is now dead, and I am alive and the guy didn't get me. I ran like never before, but mentioning these things has only gotten me, and placed me into more fear from these systematic situational conditions where the police might care about you, but don't care about me. I have nowhere then to run to. I have nowhere to hide. I have nowhere to get justice and place it back into my life. So, how do you fight this thing, besides just keep on doing the best you can, and be aware of people, who is around you, or why someone might want to hurt you?
I never wanted to think about things like this, but I studied it often and a lot. I found that people like numbers and play on numbers and that not just because you are mentioned to Child Protective Service, can you be protected. Some of the people running behind these walls of the system are actually criminals themselves and high-crime criminals. If you read, you can find stories that will make your heart feel as though it's in your throat. If you read and see as much as I have, you'll forever feel the pangs of pain that reach throughout your entire human being, and will function on that level as well. These things hurt the very core of a person, where they start to ware down on your physical body, your reality, your emotional well being, and you can start to develop ulcers or other health related concerns, and even mimic this depression that people are talking about all over the television. But, I don't think that you are depressed more then you are living in a depression, because of an environment that is just sick. Your brain is fine and nothing is wrong with you, and unless you begin to believe that there is something wrong with you. Then, and only then, I think there is something wrong with you. It's a belief thing! What you see is what you get. So, start to see the truth in things and find facts. Don't just take anybodies word for anything and don't just believe your eyes either. Things can be staged and events can take place, but figure out the truth for yourself. Don't take my word for it, take the word that lands in your very own heart when you feel them. Only then are you able to see the truth behind these things that are taking place in the world because you are in control of the way that you feel, and see things.
Stay humble and be meek and mild. Be mild to these people willing to do what they are willing to do, because you have to forgive these people if you want to go forward. Otherwise, you'll let it tare you apart and constantly they will get what they wanted to have happen in the first place because if you let them get these small results of being able to anger you, or frustrate you - you can still be frustrated, but don't let these people control you. Don't let them win. You win!
You win, by doing what you love still with a smile on your face. They don't want you to be happy because they aren't happy inside, and if they are happy with as much hurt as they've created for you, they are the ones that are sick, not you. You have to know what the true difference is there and draw a line for yourself. Stay meek and stay humble and give everything to God. Let God take it, and fear that nothing can stand in Gods way, because - I truly believe this, too - that if you pray something, and you say it in Jesus' name, and say Amen. Then believe in that something that you prayed about, that something can happen for you. If you don't believe and do all the other things, and just hope that this something will come, then chances are that hope is not enough. Belief is stronger then hope, because it's signaling to Him, that not only you have that hope for the change, but that you have a certain belief in the expectation of that something. Once you do this, God won't fail you, only these utterly sick people will, and you have to know that there is a difference.
I pray and ask God for His will to be done, and not my own. I ask that He takes this thing and tackles it and makes it whatever He wanted it to be, and then I let go of the thing... I believe in the outcome, and whatever the outcome is that I will say, "Thank You God." I'm alive today, and I'm good with that. Through all the tears and the pain of having so much build up to hurt me, and hurt me in ways that I felt like I did, and feel like a lot of you do, or would feel had these things happened to you, but I'm alive today, and right now - that alone is good enough for me.
I could have $5.00 in my pocket, and guess what? I'm richer then these people are who think that they got their entire crappy show in the bucket. They don't. My God is bigger and that's something that they can't even relate to.
In the end...