Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 10
Psychological Conditioning:
The conditioning side of gang-stalking is through a certain stimuli; either through a sound, a word or words, a posture or a gesture. In turn it can agitate or demoralize or frustrate you. Again, this can be used to harass you, or make you feel as though you are going crazy. Even though you are not going crazy, and that people are all sorts of mean, spreading around all these sensitive things to you, to target you, it's to get you to become desensitized to feel as though your environment is a real reality, even though it is a false reality of a positive reality.
Another side of this is to get you to feel as though you don't want to leave your house, for fear that you aren't going to get anywhere with people as these things keep happening to you, it's to control you to not want to even try to go outside and interact with other people in fear that these things will keep happening to you. This is not true, because if it were true, then everyone would be against you, and no one would ever be real with you, and it would make a schizophrenic type of reality where it's made to make you feel this way, so that you act this way, and get other people desensitized to the reality that you feel so that other people think something is wrong with you even though you know that nothing is wrong with you.
They condition people through the red and the white and the blue, when flashing cops lights are around, they are to place fear into you, because we all know that you're either on the red side or the blue side, or the left side or the right side as within politics and this is just to trick the mind into thinking more is going on even though they've created their lights in this sort of way and to cause you to feel anxious inside about them, and to place fear into you. This is the kind of conditioning that they do with all the people all around us today. They use sounds and colors to deter you, and to take you off course so that they can harass you. I'm not saying that police are always in the wrong, because some of which are just trying to do their jobs, but some of them are, and can also be involved in the gang-stalking side of the attack. This is covert harassment and organized harassment where someone is paid off to treat you a certain way. The fact is that there is a hidden thing behind their attack, and for the most part I think it's just through money that they have behind these attacks against you, because if you were able to sue, you could get millions for these things to happen to you, and so... as you can tell, they've got a lot to HIDE underneath their little sequesters where they can't allow this ongoing information to get out to the public, because it would only hurt their own pocketbooks, and they don't want that. So, there is a lot these people have to cover, with false news, to distract you from the truth.
I always say, the only thing that these people are covering is news, but the only way they are truly covering the truth in the news is with a rug. They have something to hide and don't want it to come out into the open, because they want to keep running their own false reality over you, and in it's core design is to play strategic warfare over onto you.
Cops will sometimes speed up really hard on you, and when they do this, at the same time, when they are far enough away from you, they will only have one headlight on to make you think that it's a motorcycle when it's really them, and they won't turn on the other light until they get close to you, and then they will start their flashers. This is to trick anybody into thinking that nothing is going on and even if you're going the speed limit, the trick here is to get you on their radar speeding so that they can ticket you. You have to be smart these days if you want to drive, because these cops, who are working for these organizers of harassment want to hurt you in any way that they can, and they want to use your pocketbook to hurt you. It's not to place any favor in their court for hurting you, and they don't get any more money for doing these things, I don't think, then they otherwise would, but it's to again ensure that their participation with this gang-stalking attack is safe and held away from other people to be able to see it. Then again, people will think whatever they want to think and don't have to believe anything that you're telling them is going on, but there is a HUGE deniability factor at play here - because the cops are supposed to be good people and out to help people and not hurt them. This is far from the truth however where I come from because I have been a targeted individual for a long time now, and I'm not willing to sit quietly without a fight where I'm concerned, because they've messed up my entire life in ways that I will never ever get it back. I can't get the time I spent on trying to make my life whole back, and even had I been made whole from the courts, I still won't get what was rightfully owed to me, because these things should have never started to take place in the first place. These people, in other words, could have left me alone and didn't need to covertly harass me, or force me into a position where I would lose my jobs, lose my cars, lose my incomes and lose the respect that I thought I had from my peers and family. If I could, I'd take it all back and make my time spent doing other things because, these attacks on me have been many, and they are hard to stop, and harder to prove, even though I know they aren't of my own doing, I still feel every day that I want my livelihoods back, and want my freedoms back, and feel as though I've lost out on a lot of things, including the respects of my own family. It truly sucks to feel, and sucks even worse knowing that I won't ever get that time back. I could have a million dollars, but without the love that I once had - all that money, and all the money in the world is priceless to me, because I won't be able to spend it doing the things that I love and with the people that I love.
One way they can sensitize you is through the use of words and objects. They can say something to you and flash an object at you that makes you feel sensitive about a certain topic, so that also when ordinary people say these things, or have something like it, that instead of being able to be happy in there company, you begin to feel saddened by these facts. They want to harm you by using these things to the point where it's not to allow you to feel happy or comfortable in your own mind because they want you to feel as though you can't feel happy, or that you don't deserve the right to feel happy, even though you do.
It's hard to feel happy all the time, but with these things that are happening too, in the world - it's also hard to just be a happy person in the first place. But, I believe that you have the right to be happy, and you should feel happy whenever you get the chance to be. Remain humble and meek, but don't forget to smile once in a while and show people that you have a happy character as well, because otherwise, you're letting these things win, and you will get depressed. Another thing is, that just because you feel depressed or sad, and that people can see that you feel things and have a heart does not mean that you ARE depressed. It just means that you have a heart to care, and does not mean that you HAVE DEPRESSION. Just because you are led into a depression, as with war, or seeing a loved one die - doesn't mean that all of a sudden you're going to be depressed or manic for the rest of your life. It's a good thing to feel sad, and also a good thing to cry. It's very polar opposite here, as if you can't ever feel sad, or can't ever cry - there is something wrong with that, not the other way around. It takes a real person to be able to cry; to feel, to understand and to listen to others. It takes a real heartless cold person, to cover up and not be able to cry, because it will turn you into the person that they want you to become. Like they are! They want you to be pricks; jerks, ass-holes, and just plainly mean people. They don't want you to be nice, as being nice is looked at for weakness, and it's not weak to be nice. It's a lot harder to love then it is to hate, and a lot harder to smile then it is to to be down. It takes more muscles in your face to frown then it does to smile, but it doesn't always mean that smiling is easy. Smiling, is sometimes hard to do when you are faced with real reasons and scenario's where anyone would feel like falling apart.
Sometimes they can create certain scenario's right in front of you, and it's to condition you to get you used to seeing this sort of thing; where, in other words they are saying that this can happen to you, or you're next on their list. They use these pre-organized tactics to control you and make the world seem worse then it is so that you feel harassed in the way that you cannot stop these things from happening, even though you are trying to get ahead in life, and they constantly pull you over, and constantly badger you, they consistently keep on doing these things to you so that when you do anything wrong, like drive without a license that they've already known they've taken away illegally, then they can keep running over more tickets on you, or take away your vehicle and just have no consideration for where you are trying to go in life.
You might feel enlightened to do something more with their life, but the whole object of this game is to make sure that you can't get ahead. They don't want you to get ahead because it would stop their psychological conditioning of other people, in how they view you as well. They want not only your friends and family members to be conditioned to the behavior that you're getting..., but they also want you to feel as though it's all your own fault, even when it's not.
Technology made it easy for these people to make sure that when you want something better for your life, and are trying diligently to keep your jobs, and do your due diligence that you are hurting in ways that make you feel as though you can't get up from. Remember, the point is to make you either hurt yourself, or make you controllable as with becoming homeless or ending up in a shelter. They don't want you to be on your own two feet, otherwise they would see to it that you would be, and not the other way around. Plus, they've already taken away a lot from you, and from your potential in life, by creating fictional tickets over you, and making sure that people aren't hearing you out - and they do a great job of it.
Keep on looking forward in life, and never look back. If you can get a small fraction of that life back for yourself, keep on looking forward and don't look back. You deserve greatness in your life, and you are worth more then these people want for you to have. You can change the world, and make it a bit better with having a little more ingenuity in your life, and having a little more heart then these people have. Keep staying positive, and don't take peoples constant barraging you into thinking that you are worthless or deserve this kind of treatment, because you don't. You are worth more! Believe it! And, never give up hope! Be tenacious and go after your goals and dreams and never let these people silent those dreams. Go outside and feel comfortable to scream, or sing your favorite songs. Don't let these people shut up your voice. Stay positive! Stay healthy, and keep on your grind!