Pioneer Space Sim

Deskripsi Asli :

Pioneer is a space adventure game set in our galaxy at the turn of the 31st century.

The game is open-ended, and you are free to eke out whatever kind of space-faring existence you can think of. Look for fame or fortune by exploring the millions of star systems. Turn to a life of crime as a pirate, smuggler or bounty hunter. Forge and break alliances with the various factions fighting for power, freedom or self-determination. The universe is whatever you make of it.

Deskripsi game :

Pioneer merupakan sebuah game petualangan antariksa yang diseting pada abad ke-33 Masehi dan terinspirasi dari Frontier : Elite II. Pioneer juga disebut Pioneer Space Sim.

Game ini bergenre space trading dan combat simulator. Tipe dunianya open-ended, dan kamu bebas menjelajah ruang angkasa, menjelajahi jutaan Bintang, mengambil tugas seperti mengantar kargo, membunuh musuh, mengantar dokumen, dan masih banyak lagi.

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Game Pioneer ini gratis dan open source.

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