Looking at this picture reminded me of what happened on the day I took the pics..hmmm, you won't believe I was in serious pain when I took this pics. I was having stomach pain that day. Funny enough I never showed it to those around me, because I was so enjoying the moment with them. I never wanted the pain to spoil the moment for me. The smile in the pics is not of this planet...smiling#
Let me quickly bring out something from these. Now, I am not saying you should hide your pains or keep them to yourself and fake happiness. NO!!.. I am simply saying you can be happy inspite what you go through.
Happiness is a choice, circumstances do not choose for you. You do the choosing yourself.
No matter what a man goes through in life, there is always something to be grateful for and should keep you going. Do not be trapped in the web of sadness. Proverb 17:22 says "a merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bone". I understand you might be going through a lot right now and you so weak and fed up. Please do not forget that the medicine you need right now is HAPPINESS. It cost you nothing at all, the price is just "choice". Yeah, the choice of choosing to remain happy.
And of cos you know the work of "medicine". Its a cure or treatment used to get whole again. Oyah start taking your treatment now..#.smiles#..
All will be well, maybe not today but surely it will someday.