An empty head

On Monday I go for a better life
Tuesday everything goes wrong and the worst scenario becomes reality
Wednesday I get out of bed late. They say a lesson to be learned is valuable for the future.
If that's true what is it that makes me feel on Thursday a
Donkey at work? all turns out to be an illusion, a vision caused by fever or lack of company. My lively imagination, the words I said and shared, it's just a fairy tale
Saturday you say? Time flies by. The advice: ignore and you'll be fine
Sunday, if I feel to it I'll visit Steemit on the blockchain or not.
The prompts did help to write I had nothing specific in mind, started, one prompt l, on sentence.
Conozco el miedo a la página en blanco. A veces las musas se niegan a asistirnos. Pero esa es la magia de la escritura: superarnos y crear, a veces los fracasos son buenos hasta a para los grandes maestros. De ellos se gana experiencia. Buen texto, sigue creando.
You are not bad at all. What causes the fear?
Neat! Sounds very poetic. There's a little quote in Carl Sagan's Demon-Haunted World I always liked:
The moon leaps
In the Great River's current...
Floating on the wind,
What do I resemble?
Du Fu, 'Travelling at Night'
(China, Tang Dynasty, 765)
Reminds me of that.
Found another one:
Traveling at Night, trying to Write a Poem
A breeze gently sways the grass that grows along the shore,
The danger is in raising a sail on a boat alone at night,
Still, stars sparkle above a wide skyline,
While the moon rises as the river flows by
What is my name but the works I've written,
Officially retired now that I am old and sick.
Fluttering from place to place,
Between heaven and earth, like a seagull.
Du Fu, on the Yangtze, also 765 apparently
This might be an unabridged version of the same poem actually. I'm not sure. I like how this sort of expressionistic stuff seems to transcend cultural boundaries. Exhibit A:
That's from the original Night of the Hunter. It's the kind of vibe I imagine while reading that poem.
An interesting sharing. 👍
It sounds more as if it's a follow up or the answer. Isn't it interesting how words remember us of other words. This one remembers me of Gerard Reve.
It all can be said with only a few words. Too many kill the essence and imagination of the reader.
Did you read the poem @grebmot shared @sbamsoneu?
I should do this too again but somehow I forgot. My ghostwriter disappeared I could contract you if you let me read first! Let's see if hive can make up a story I also forgot the aet & writing. The film and series called.
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