It's personal ... Or not
As I entered the bus with my two children we took place in the back row as ordered.
For some strange reason that last row its seats is numbered 20, although there are no seats from 15 to 19.
Is it to confuse the passengers or did it all start with someone who can't count? It's hard to believe the numbers 15 to 19 are unlucky numbers. The number 13 is present.
While going to our seats we passed by a scolding and cursing person lying over the seats. I say person because I am not sure about the gender. Perhaps 1.70 tall, hoody, boots and a huge nose stuck outside.
My youngest was so unfortunate to sit right behind this person. Imagine sitting behind a scolding person for hours. Someone who puts the back of the seat as much backwards as possible, someone who is provoking for hours.
All the other passengers tried to ignore it which is easy if you do not sit next, in front or behind such a person.
My youngest could hardly move, looked like a canned fish.
Of course, the other passengers looked and their faces said enough. They disapproved this person that most likely was a racist but might be a good candidate for the 6th floor as well. The 6th floor, a place for the mentally ill. If they could be of help?
This person's (most likely female) anger, hate and aggression were huge. Interesting enough with a toddler's behaviour.
Ugly, loud sounds were produced by the phone. The bus company's rules not to disturb other passengers were ignored. Why stick to the rules if all passengers refuse to see you? Time to teach them a lesson. How dare they to ignore you!
The volume must be louder. The elderly next to the figure in a hoody looked aside several times but said nothing. She is not deaf but must have learned that those who claim to be the future are a lost cause. The 6th floor is occupied or perhaps does not even exist in her home country.
It is cheaper to let the violent and crazy people, the dangerous and narcissists just like the drug and alcohol addicts walk free, let them inside the bus instead of refusing them.
Like my late grandmother said: the brutal ones rule the world.
This bus ride continued with me being slapped in the face, because I asked if the volume could be put a bit lower, my son is being hurt too. As this happened the elderly ran out to the front of the bus. I was surprised she could grab her handbag and coat so fast and be that quick!
It's clear not only does Redbull give wings but fear does too.
I stood up straight and did not move an inch. Why should I?
I am the result of an abused childhood. I am used to being scolded at, to deal with racists and narcists, I lost fear a long time ago.
The big nose in the hoody kept scolding me, cursing. I should not have touched her, I attacked her, I was in her country and a guest I should have behaved. She would call the police and I said: please.
The bus drove on, all the passengers ignored the situation the bus driver included. I wonder what he would have done if someone pulled a knife or gun.
The lady in front of me turned her head several times. She disapproved of the behaviour but wanted me to be quiet, to not respond. According to her, this behaviour is normal and if not normal at least common.
Welcome to Czechoslovakia.
The hoody on boots kept yelling at me. I shouldn't be surprised if someone kills me once I am out of this bus. She will kill me and who knows will kill my children too because they dare to look. While yelling and scolding at me (whatever worse you can think of she called me) s/he hastily goes halfway of the bus. Now those passengers can enjoy the presence of this person, although only for a short time. The bus will stop soon and I will be killed. For sure there won't be a helping hand, the average human behaviour is to flee or ignore if they aren't the bully.
I wonder what kind of people raised a child like that, a person with so much anger, envy and hate but also fear. It's as if I watch a dog with rabies. A dog that we humans would have given a shot.
I started to understand why people are no longer willing to help, and no longer feel pity for others, other nations, why the entire world is at war and fights each other, why Europe will never be united and why visiting certain countries is no fun. As a tourist people rather spend their money elsewhere, where they are appreciated.
No, the police did not show up.
The hoody-on boots stood next to me as s/he took a bag and purple snowboard out of the bus and sneaked away without a word. I saw h/she walk alone through an empty street, the purple snowboard over the left shoulder. The way of walking had a lot in common with a vulture. There was no time to kill me.