The boring day went endless -Short horror story

I really hate my job. Everyday I have to drag myself out of the bed, dress in the same stupid set of clothes, walk on the same street to my office. Then, I have to sit on my cubicle , make useless reports until 5 o clock. I felt everyday the same, like riding the same roller coaster again and again.
But in the blink of an eye, everyday changed.
This Monday , I went to work and I felt something is different.Something strange than usual.Even the air inside my office felt different.The fluorescent lights in the office started to flicker in an absurd way. There was no one around, but I heard a whisper in the dark echoed through out the hallway. With flickering lights, I felt something strange is going to happen.
Surprisingly, within a second, the environment became calm. Fluorescent lights became normal and hallway became silent.I shake everything off as I thought it was due to my exhaustion.I sat on my chair in my cubicle and started my daily routine.
When I started to type, the computer screen started to flicker.The letters I typed, started to arrange in to a sentence:
My heart started to pound fast.Again in the blink of an eye,the text disappeared and everything went back to normal.I shook my head and dismissed everything as I thought it's because I'm tired.I looked at the clock on the wall, it was 8.12AM.But I noticed the clock has stopped.I felt something strange is going on here.
I went to cubicle of one of my colleague and asked "Hi, Did you see........". He turned.His face has become a demonic face and said "YOU ARE LOST.....!!!!!" in a demonic voice.
I stumbled to the back, my breathing became fast.Again the blink of an eye, his face was normal.He said " Sorry... Come again?". I said "Never mind" and I ran toward my cubicle. I felt my legs are heavy and my cubicle started to stretch in an endless manner. No matter how I ran, I trapped in the same position.The lights started to flicker again and eerie whispering came back. At that moment,I felt someone is pulling back.I felt its breath on my shoulders. It murmured "YOU ARE LOST.......!!!!".
I wake from the nap on my cubicle desk. I started to sweat and I realized it was a dream. I stared at the clock on the wall.
It was 8.12AM...........!!!!!!