It's Your Shadow
It's not you. It's your shadow.
It's not false. It exists. It's just not you.
It can't exist without you. But it's not you.
You are alive. Your shadow is is not. You can see, feel, taste, smell and hear.
Your shadow cannot.
Your shadow changes form. You do not. Your shadow disappears sometimes.
You do not.
Some say the ultimate Truth is like a shadow.
But what do they know?
After all they are just chasing a shadow.
@aneukpineung78, @wakeupkitty
(Monday prompt "shadow" a few days late)
This is probably a 5. A little choppy in the presentation. Doesn't flow very smoothly. the idea is good though.
@aneukpineung78, @wakeupkitty
0.00 SBD,
0.07 STEEM,
0.07 SP
If the shadow isn't me than who is it I see?
Now I think of it I am never alone It's me,
My happy face (uh mask)
my reflection in the mirror
my shadow..
and who knows what @aneukpineung more did come up with
Bayangan yang mengerikan
kamu ada tapi bukan kamu
kenapa yang hidup tampa bayangan?
apakah yang kau maksud bukan aku?
bayangan bukanlah diri kita
tidak dapat merasa
hanya bisa berupa
dalam gelap akan surga
dan betul
bayangan bukanlah hal yang hakiki
namun kita terus bergelut drngan bayangan
tampa pernah mengenal asa
Bagus sekali puisimu kawan. saya suka🙂
"A terrifying shadow, you exist, but not as yourself. Why do the living exist without a shadow? Are you referring to something other than myself? A shadow is not our true self, it cannot feel, only existing in darkness. Is paradise real? Indeed, a shadow is not a tangible thing, yet we constantly struggle with shadows without ever understanding their origin.
Your poem is excellent, my friend. I like it 🙂"
#wewrite #miner-wewrite #freewrite #comment #poem