5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: coconut oil (ENG/ID)
Traditional Solutions for People in My Area to Make Money: Migrating
Source: Private document
I live in the district of Kediri, East Java province, Indonesia. The good news, my area is still full of plants that are taller than the roof of the house! Ignore.
Many of the local people here do not continue their undergraduate education. They only finished high school. So when looking for money, there are not many job positions that can be applied for. Moreover, this area is not urban: a village with a large area of rice fields. In economics that means not a lot of money in circulation!
Then the people who were pressed for the necessities of life eventually migrated to other areas. Or even to another country. This is a "practical" solution that people often use. They live as laborers, work, then get paid.
Some of my friends in junior high school migrated to Kalimantan. Of course it's very far away. They work in oil palm plantations. Yes. They harvest oil palm. Ingredients for making coconut oil! Work under the hot sun. Even though they are tired, they still work for their families.
Even for some people in this area, wandering and working with "muscles" has become commonplace. They don't have to be smart. They just need to work hard. If they do not migrate, many people choose to go to the fields as laborers. If not, work as a handyman or construction worker.
As for women. Usually they work as housemaids. They have to work in another area or even another country in order to earn "more money". Because the salary standard in Kediri Regency is not much. Some of my friends from junior high school went to Malaysia or Taiwan.
Working by migrating to other areas and relying on muscles alone is an easy choice. One does not need to study in formal education first. Waste of money. They just work. Just migrate to other areas that want to provide a higher salary.
But behind all that convenience, there are also many stories that are less pleasant. You must understand that insight is also very important. Mainly for managing finances and also the effect of decision making. But I don't want to discuss it further.
Ahem.... Ahem....
Is anyone interested in migrating to work? Relying on strength and muscle? To another area or to another country? Whatever your choice, hopefully you compensate by learning continuously. So that your brain is not muscled! Hehe.[]
Solusi Tradisional Orang-orang di Daerah Saya untuk Mencari uang: Merantau
Saya tinggal di kabupaten kediri, provinsi Jawa Timur, indonesia. Kabar gembiranya, daerah saya masih penuh dengan tanaman-tanaman yang lebih tinggi daripada atap rumah! Abaikan.
Banyak dari orang-orang daerah sini yang tidak melanjutkan pendidikan sarjana. Mereka hanya menamatkan SMA saja. Sehingga saat mencari uang, tidak banyak posisi pekerjaan yang bisa dilamar. Apalagi daerah sini bukan perkotaan: desa dengan area sawah yang luas. Dalam ekonomi itu artinya tidak banyak uang yang beredar!
Lalu orang-orang yang didesak kebutuhan hidup akhirnya merantau ke daerah lain. Atau bahkan ke negara lain. Ini adalah solusi "praktis" yang sering digunakan orang-orang. Mereka tinggal menjadi buruh, bekerja, lalu mendapatkan bayaran.
Beberapa teman saya di SMP merantau ke kalimantan. Tentu saja jaraknya sangat jauh. Mereka bekerja di perkebunan kelapa sawit. Ya. Mereka memanen kelapa sawit. Bahan untuk membuat minyak kelapa! Bekerja di bawah terik matahari. Meski lelah, mereka tetap bekerja demi keluarganya.
Bahkan untuk sebagian orang di daerah sini, merantau dan bekerja dengan "otot" sudah menjadi hal biasa. Mereka tidak harus pintar. Mereka hanya butuh bekerja dengan giat. Jika tidak merantau, banyak orang memilih ke sawah sebagai buruh. Jika tidak, bekerja sebagai tukang atau kuli bangunan.
Sedangkan bagi perempuan. Biasanya mereka bekerja sebagai pembantu rumah tangga. Mereka harus bekerja di daerah lain atau bahkan negara lain agar mendapat "uang lebih". Karena standar gaji di kabupaten kediri tidak banyak. Beberapa teman saya SMP hingga ke Malaysia atau Taiwan.
Bekerja dengan cara merantau ke daerah lain dan mengandalkan otot saja adalah pilihan yang mudah. Seseorang tidak perlu belajar di pendidikan formal terlebih dahulu. Buang-buang uang. Mereka tinggal bekerja saja. Tinggal merantau ke daerah lain yang mau memberikan gaji lebih tinggi.
Namun dibalik kemudahan itu semuanya, banyak juga cerita yang kurang menyenangkan. Anda pasti paham jika wawasan sangat juga sangat penting. Terutama untuk mengelola keuangan dan juga efek pengambilan keputusan. Namun saya tidak ingin membahasnya membahasnya lebih lanjut.
Ehem .... Ehem ....
Apakah ada yang tertarik merantau untuk bekerja? Mengandalkan tenaga dan otot? Ke daerah lain ataupun ke negara lain? Apapun pilihan anda, semoga anda mengimbanginya dengan belajar secara terus menerus. Agar otak anda tidak berotot! Hehe.[]
I would be happy with some muscles around or a pair of extra hands but not without brains.
High school is a waste of money and time too if you want to be a worker only. Workers are needed but brains should be used and developed.
Most people don't know how to make a budget, how to save money and set priorities if it comes to finances.
It's not taught at school. Parents should and give a good example. It helps if commercials and ads are ignored or shut out.
strange fact: many study financial management after leaving formal education. Though it should start early.
Regardless of whether they are descended from the rich or the poor. Hehe.
I love using Steem. Thank you for taking the time to read my writing. I don't have many friends here. 😊