My job as a writer is to give an idea. To take whatever I have at hand and give a vision. To deliver as much as possible a new amalgam of colors (or words) using the same words that are available to everyone. And that complicit state where I choose the combinations of words I use, is the code of what would be called my poetic art. What I wrote at some past time, was good at that time. Perhaps it no longer has the same meaning for me. Choosing a photograph (at least for me), is like choosing those words. I have this thousand photographs and suddenly one photograph makes like a connection with me. And I say, it's this photograph for this. Would I be lying to you if I told you what connection there is between the text and that photograph? Unless I need to use the knife and press a little bit on the throat, and see what textures are drawn in the mirror.
PS: Pertinent clarifications. Surely someone will jump out and say this writer of this latitude, or is drugged or uses a knife to write or walk down the street. blah blah blah. Whoever does not understand art or poetics should study X-rays or the theory of relativity. I only write what the creator or I dictate, as the case may be.
Killing the Diary:
The sun has begun to seclude me in an uncomfortable space. The butterflies remain glued to the asphalt. Everything is this transit of small dark characters, with their dark lives. On an impassable street, of an island, of a small slum, of a corner, without avenues. You can be at the same stop for three hundred and fifty-six minutes waiting. Waiting for what? There is no transport. Or is there? I've got this leg that's turned to filth. It's a little stinky from a fucking dog bite. I could drop dead right now and nobody would move an inch. The world would keep going in the same direction. The markets would keep raising prices and my leg would keep rotting in the heatwave.
If you were this seropositive and starving being. Then your name would be Vicente, but you would be called El Rayo or Arturo. You would have graduated from some English course and have three children. A couple of poorly made decisions would bring you to the critical state you are in now.
I could take out a notebook and write a poem, about two lemurs, with exotic looks. Or I could have a Visa card and go through the whole shebang. Be part of somewhere. Go to a restaurant (El Picante Mexicano) and ask for human meat? But the waitress will come out to apologize, and look at my bad condition and my leg, which has taken on a purplish color, but with a Golden card.
She will tell me distinguished, we only have these bags of potatoes. Different kinds of potato packaging, potato snack, black holes and stars covered with potato cream. I'll share you a picture where I can use yellow and a spoon.
Reviewing a platform like Steemit, giving it popularity with what I write, while pouring myself a wine. The promt of the day would be a delight. The waitress would tell me in perfect Spanish. Thank you for ordering. I would like her to say to me. Merci de votre commande. Oh, I just realized that I can use languages as I please. Anything would be possible if I had a card, a leg and it wasn't twenty to four anywhere.

Mi trabajo como escritor es dar una idea. Tomar todo lo que tengo a mano y dar una visión. Entregar dentro de lo posible una nueva amalgama de colores (o de palabras) usando las mismas palabras que están disponibles para todos. Y ese cómplice estado donde escojo las combinaciones de palabras que utilizo, es el código de lo que se llamaría mi arte poético. Lo que escribí en algún momento pasado, fue bueno en ese momento. Tal vez ya no tiene el mismo significado para mí. Escoger una fotografía (al menos para mí), es como escoger esas palabras. Tengo este millar de fotografías y de pronto una fotografía hace como una conexión conmigo. Y digo, es esta fotografía para esto. ¿Te mentiría si te digo que conexión existe entre el texto y esa fotografía? A menos que necesite usar el cuchillo y presionar un poco la garganta, y ver qué texturas se dibujan en el espejo.
PD: Aclaraciones pertinentes. Seguro saltará alguno que otro y dirá este escritor de esta latitud, o se droga o usa un cuchillo para escribir o andar por la calle. bla bla bla. El que no entienda del arte o la poética que estudie radiografías o la teoría de la relatividad. Yo solo escribo lo que dicta el creador o yo, según sea el caso.
Killing the Diary:
El sol ha comenzado a recluirme en un incómodo espacio. Las mariposas permanecen pegadas al asfalto. Todo es este tránsito de pequeños personajes oscuros, con sus vidas oscuras. Por una calle intransitable, de una isla, de un pequeño tugurio, de una esquina, sin avenidas. Puedes estar en la misma parada trescientos cincuenta y seis minutos esperando. ¿Esperan qué? No existe transporte. ¿O existe? Tengo esta pierna convertida en una mugre. Está un poco pestilente por la mordida de un jodido perro. Podría caer muerto en este instante y nadie movería un ápice. El mundo seguiría en la misma dirección. Los mercados seguirían subiendo los precios y mi pierna pudriéndose con la canícula.
Si fueras este ser seropositivo y hambriento. Entonces te llamarías Vicente, pero te nombrarían, El Rayo o Arturo. Te abrías graduado de algún curso de inglés y tendrías tres hijos. Par de decisiones mal tomadas, te llevaría al estado crítico donde estás ahora.
Puedo sacar una libretica y escribir un poema, sobre dos lémures, con miradas exóticas. O podría tener una tarjeta Visa y recorrer todo el tinglado. Ser parte de alguna parte. Ir a un restaurante (El picante mexicano) y pedir ¿Carne humana? Pero la moza saldrá a disculparse, y mirada mi mala condición y mi pierna, que ha tomado un color violáceo, pero con una tarjeta Golden.
Me dirá distinguido, solo tenemos de espacialidad estas bolsas de patatas. Diferentes tipos de empaques de patatas, snack de patatas, agujeros negros y estrellas cubiertas de crema de patatas. Te compartiré una foto donde pueda usar el amarillo y una cuchara.
Revisar una plataforma como Steemit, darle popularidad con lo que escribo, mientras me sirven un vino. La promt del día sería una delicia. La camarera me diría en perfecto español. Gracias por ordenar. Me gustaría que me dijese. Merci de votre commande. Oh, me acabo de dar cuenta de que puedo usar los idiomas a mi antojo. Todo fuera posible si tuviera una tarjeta, una pierna y no fueran las cuatro menos veinte en cualquier lugar.
Promt: Thanks for ordering.
To those who inspire me to continue on the path of letters.
@wakeupkitty.pal, @aneukpineung78, @xiao-aine

If you like to read books, I leave you the link to my novel.
Love is a dog from hell
Como siempre, muy bueno. Me ha gustado la descripción de tu vision del trabajo del autor. Creo que és importante. Así, se aprende.
Thanks for commenting. Life is this hurried experimenting. Taking experiences, trying, going up stairs, going down stairs, winding the clock. Living. Work. To walk the stairs again. Climbing first one foot, then the other. Learning. Reading. Playing dice. Writing. Reading, reading and reading again.
You can learn from everyone if you want to.
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0.01 SP
You can. But it's always better to learn from the good than from the bad.
I read you and like always a great entry and what I love is that you have a good memory! Those who follow you know what I mean. There's a clear line which can easily be followed.
Indeed you can use languages just like words like you please.
Steemit knows, X does, good luck and a great evening.
Good memory and the word. Without values, how could one walk? What would a man with a hole in his head look like? Without rivers. No clouds, no wine. Just a black hole swallowing everything around him. A cold space where the sound has no echo of bells. Have you read the book “El entenado” by Juan José Saer?
I was thinking for quite a while, but I couldn't create a photograph with a hole and the potato bags, unless I used editing and would break some contest rule.
You have a big heart and you have my gratitude (which are not few both) with a little pencil we could turn steemit into something else. Not the monster they paint in the closet. Who knows if we are writing history? Maybe some paradigms will die?
Maybe tomorrow, the first rains will start and the mosquitoes (little ice cubes) will turn into swarms.
#wewrite #comment
0.00 SBD,
0.07 STEEM,
0.07 SP
A hole? An open mouth perhaps? Not that a sack chips fits in.
Take a knife and make (stab) a hole in something. There's still a corpse in the basement I take care of it later.
Can you join photo contests?
No matter what who ot what is said or thought we write history by being here and showing what is possible with pens, pencils, words, fun puzzling, commenting, and exchanging ideas by talking and blowing life into writing. The rest its up to us, Copyright, all rights reserved, and the individuals if they like to join or take the diary game way forever whith any pride or improvement nor gain while giving away all their data for 0.04 steem exclusive.
#wewrite #comment