Feedback Wanted: Our New Makerspace in Chile - 3D Annimated Video
At Fort Galt, we'll soon be building a new makerspace for our community residents to share and enjoy. It's built to be as simple and economical as possible while still providing everything we could need to get going. To design the building, my business partner Luke used Sketchup and then we imported the model into Lumion 3D to add textures and create the scenery. I rendered the final video using DaVinci Resolve and a friend of mine provided the music. I'm sharing this preliminary design in order to get feedback from the Steemit community so that we can potentially make changes based on your suggestions before the final version is rendered. Let us know what you think! Would you like to work here? What would you add?
don't forget the central vaccuum/filtration systems. If you line up the various tools based on their intended stock you will simplify the ducting. (sawdust along one wall, welding flux along another, milling chips along another ect.) you have to make it easy to modify and service so all surface mounted and suspended ducts. like if you've got copper on the lathe you want to keep those chips separate from steel so you need a baffle to separate bins out back in a shed with the bulk lube and coolant I imagine. Oh and don't forget to add a nice little gantry and maybe a couple jib cranes :) Maybe later you could add another building with a drainage floor for pressure washing and sand blasting with climate control and air filtration for painting.
Vacuum, filtration, ducting, and drainage. Excellent details that should certainly be added. Thanks :)
drainage floors are more expensive and difficult to make compared to a single slab of concrete and it's not the end of the world to set up temporary tents outside for the odd paint job now and then for the first couple seasons to stretch the budget if it came to it.
I love this video. :) The only thing I would want to add to it is a commercial kitchen to shoot cooking shows from.
This is a startup idea I've been sitting on for a while. Provide an open kitchen/dining area, with state-of-the-art equipment and easily accessible ingredients, and allow people to cook there for a fee. Not sure what's the best way to set up the pricing (charge for the space/equipment, the food, both, neither...?). Have recipes on-hand with all requisite ingredients and equipment. Encourage people to invite large groups and charge per plate, allowing the chef to offload the cost of the space and make a tidy profit. Social cooking/the bakerspace.
This would be great for people trying to sell baked goods too - in most states you have to bake in a USDA-certified kitchen to be able to package & sell to the public. The expense of such a kitchen is one of the big holdups for small entrepreneurs.
Bakerspace! I love it :D
Thanks. :) Another name I've thought of is "Snackerspace"
and a window sill with plaid curtains to let the pies cool with a local raccoon that's always trying to snatch em as a running gag.
Ah, interesting idea. I'll pass it along and bring it up in our next meeting. Thanks.
A pit for car repairs and as the cherry on the pie a forge :)
Good ideas! Adding them to the list :)
car pits are against code nowadays in most of my home country. I don't think they make you fill em in if you have one already depending on your jurisdiction but the insurance companies make you want to. Hydraulic lifts are claimed to be safer. It could be just bureaucratic busy bodies taking bribes from lift dealers though. I don't know for sure. the simple passive nature of a pit has certain appeal. especially for a room with a low ceiling. If you have a high ceiling than a lift can double as a second storage lot. Even concrete pits can flood if the water table gets high enough and your concrete develops small cracks and where casts mate . I worked at a shop with a pit and I had to keep a pair of rubber boots handy for oil changes But that was a place where ice and drought where actual things lol. There's not much you can't accomplish with a bunch of good jacks, jack stands, engine hoists and creepers though. Portability and resale value being advantages... Except when you are being robbed. I assume those windows are bullet proof and those doors locked with state of the art fail safe systems. :) Amen on the forge. A forge is simple enough to assume to be there but maybe a trip hammer could warrant some tweaks to the floor plan.
good point. A pit can not be stolen or broken and only run full of water, but since we are on a mountain, this should be solvable. The hydraulics need energy, maintenance, can be stolen.
I think there are a lot of solutions to find a place for the pit in or outside the building.
The forge could be just gas powered, but since there are rarely uses for it I would consider it to be a "nice to have". But then again: its a whish list :)
Maybe we could experiment with an induction forge.
good point, you could run a drain out to the side of the mountain. It would be a long run but totally doable. I never even thought of an out door pit. Would you have the pit right out front so that a crane could wheel out from the overhead door to lower equipment down into it. would it have a big spring or air assisted trap door covering it?
This is wicked.
Thanks :)
Nice, I really like the conference table in the upstairs. About what to add, I'm not sure everything looks pretty great. You have some recreation equipment downstairs. Maybe some fitness equipment? Also just as a personal opinion, sometimes I am not that productive in large community spaces. It might be nice to have some more private work space? Anyway, great animation.
Yeah, we'll look at putting fitness stuff somewhere else. Not in the shop. ;)
Aww you are missing the key element 'Warmth by Animals' throw a dog in there and some sheep outside:)..maybe a couple of peacocks fanning there featheres on the patio:)
lol sure, at least a cat walking around on the roof or something, right!?
haha yeah mate damn maybe just one bird will do it:)
Good post! I like it! Good Luck To You!
I've talked with Luke about this a bit, and one suggestion is that we need areas for the "dirty" work that goes with a lot of maker projects - cutting and welding metal, wood, plastics, etc. Painting also needs a sealed-off and ventilated space. Many of these activities are noisy, and spew dust and bits of stuff all over the place, so they need containment, from each other and from the quieter spaces for programming, 3D-printing, electronics assembly & testing, meetings, etc. They might be harder to present in such a beautiful video, though!
Absolutely but anything can be cleaned up for a video :)
awesome !