Choose: Science or the Word

in #flat-earth8 years ago (edited)

If NASA is doing what they say they are doing, our Father in Heaven needs to repent for destroying the Tower of Babel. Nimrod was trying to reach and destroy the heavens by assault. They desired to murder the Creator. The world according to Time magazine declares: “God is Dead.”

Has modern day science replicated the INTENT of the Tower of Babel? Are the Scriptures true or is science true?

Why do you think all your owners, the elite GLOBALISTS of this world all worship Lucifer? Think about that. This world belongs to them legally and they do control it here. Why do they follow myths and stupidity but they are smart enough to own and control everything you see, hear and consume? If they believe in and actively follow Satan, there is a reason. You should figure this out for yourself but I will give you my opinion here. They firmly believe Lucifer was unjustly punished and that he is really the “good guy” of Creation. They also believe they will succeed in destroying my Father in Heaven and mounting His Throne. They believe their father is ruler of all and they will inherit this world. This is why they deceive, fight, and hate you. This is a war and you have very likely not been fighting as a good soldier under His Command!

Prove all things. Test everything. Every actual scientific test we can observe today experimentally indicates that we live on a flat, stationary plane. When i say "science" i do NOT mean "scientism". I mean what we can PROVE as facts... NOT theories. All theories are FAITH dressed up in "science". What they really represent is Scientism: the RELIGION of having FAITH in unproven "science". Most humans love scientism but reject actual science.

The Scriptures say my Father created the heavens and the earth in six 24 hour days. Science says the Big Bang did that over billions of years with chance alone. If you believe science over my Father's clear declarations, you are at odds with everything good and true. I know it takes a lot of faith to believe and trust in His Word. To me, it takes way more faith to believe in and trust Scientism.

Science says stars came first. The Word says the sun and stars were created on day FOUR. Science describes solar systems with the planets orbiting a central sun that is also moving through the galaxy. The Scriptures say the Earth is a fixed, immovable, disk, and that the heavens move over our heads within an enclosed, layered DOME. Science says the Earth is spinning at 1000 MPH and is also moving around the sun at roughly 67K MPH and the sun is pulling us all through this galaxy at over 650K MPH. That is a LOT of movement in several different directions! Ponder this: With all this movement, how are the stars in identical places year after year so accurately that we can use them as a CLOCK as the Word says? Why does Polaris not move relative to us at all? This can ONLY mean a few things: We are moving directly towards or away from Polaris as a solar system OR we are NOT moving at all. Choose.

My Father in Heaven is NOT the Author of confusion. He says we do not move and in fact, the Earth is sat upon pillars and is surrounded on all sides by WATER outside the Firmament. Within the Firmament are the sun, moon, and stars. My Father's Throne is above the Firmament and He uses the Earth as a footstool. “Space” is very likely water and no man has ever been there (sorry Captain Kirk!). When the ISS and space shuttle are “orbiting” the Earth at less than 90 miles high, they are NOT in “space”. Almost every scientific source says “space” begins at 99 miles up but that our atmosphere continues thinner and thinner for another hundred miles or so depending upon who you read.

Has there ever been an actual scientific experiment proving that ANY atmosphere can exist next to even a MILD vacuum? NOPE.

Unless you can PROVE humans have vehicles actually flying around (or stationary “orbit”) the spinning ball Earth at 20,300 miles high (most “satellites” are here), 250K miles high and that we have already gone MUCH further, I am not believing science any longer. Please also explain how anything a human can create can withstand the Thermosphere and the double Van Allen Belts? NASA admits on video they have never solved either of those problems for HUMANS. My guess is that they have not solved it for electronics either and they know there is no “escaping” the Earth's closed system. The dark side is very upset about this fact and they HIDE the Creation in every manner they can contemplate. Remember a “conspiracy” requires EVIL and more than one being in planning mode. The global conspiracy began over 500 years ago and it is evil.

Science has either lied about or been wrong about almost EVERYTHING yet we are taught to revere it as infallible or at least respect it as the pinnacle of truth. What most people believe in is SCIENTISM: or the RELIGION of science. No proof is ever required in any faith. You cannot prove even 10% of what you believe about science so you are in an evil faith that denies everything my Father in Heaven has already said. You are now being forced to make a real choice: Science or the Word. Satan's will and his kingdom OR my Father's will and His Kingdom. There is no “fence” to sit on. My Father HATES the lukewarm because they are really choosing evil when they refuse to obey Him.

The lukewarm will NOT be found in my Father's Kingdom. Choose a side and fight or become a nothing for the rest of eternity with FULL regret, sorrow and gnashing of teeth in outer darkness, forever separated (at YOUR will) from all that is lovely, pure, light, hopeful, and good. You are rejecting Light and CHOOSING permanent outer darkness IF you reject the Truth. My Father gave all humanity His Son's Life and Blood as PAYMENT for our rebellion. If you reject the most valuable and costly Gift in all of Creation, you deserve what you have CHOSEN.

I speak in generalities a LOT so do not take this personally. However, if the shoe fits, KICK IT OFF!!!

Science says the universe is over 14 billion years old. The Scriptures say the Creation is around 6,000 years old. Science says man climbed out of the ooze and was a monkey before he was man. Basically, science says that EVERYTHING came from Nothing and that man came from a ROCK. The Word of the Creator says different. My Father says He created mankind from the dust of the Earth in less than one day and made us in His very image. The reason remembering the Sabbath is vital is because He said so, and because it is the pattern He commands us to follow, He declares that keeping the Sabbath is the primary sign between me and Him that I am His. The Sabbath is a remembrance of His Creation and is a great indicator if you choose to obey Him or one of the many evil world systems.

Do you believe my Father in Heaven or do you believe in the Priesthood of Men in White Lab Coats? I choose to believe my Kinsman Redeemer, my Advocate, my ONLY Mediator, my King, my Judge, my Messiah Yahushua, and my Friend. His ways are far above our ways and His understanding is only revealed to His children. I choose His Priesthood: The Order of Melchizedek. It is not hidden. It is not secret. It is Life itself.

The Word says we have an Earth-based system that is set on pillars, covered in an impenetrable dome and is surrounded on all sides by water. Science says we live in an ever-moving, ever-expanding universe that is mostly vacuum. Even their math does not support this evil view so they INVENT Dark matter and Dark energy to keep the lies going. The evil side constantly invents new ways to sin and violate what my Father in Heaven has already said. Who do you trust? Do you trust the governments of this world? Do you trust the scientists and their textbooks or do you trust the Good Book?


Why does Polaris not move relative to us at all?

Polaris does move. It has not always been the North star.

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