This is Pure Evil! - And - We Are to Blame!
Drag queen admits he’s ‘grooming’ 3 yo children
(corrupting their minds)
at story hour events in Public Libraries
Drag queens are deliberately "grooming" the next generation to accept LGBT ideology when they read to children in public libraries at drag queen “story hour” events, a U.S. drag queen admitted.
Dylan Pontiff, a drag queen who helped organize one of these story hour events for children as young as three at the Lafayette Public Library in early October, is shown in a video making that shocking admission to the Lafayette City-Parish Council in Louisiana during a Sept. 17 meeting.
"This is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation," said Pontiff, who when dressed in drag goes by the name Santana Pilar Andrews.
Read the rest of it from source:
My comment
I have a few gay friends, but they love children and they are furious with this report - so it is not just me, a straight, who feels this way, or cares about the children.
When we talk about child abuse (sexual) we are talking about two distinct but related forms: Physical abuse and Emotional abuse ( a form of scarring their little minds and robbing them of their period of grace (their childhood)
The truth is, not only this sex predator is to blame. So are the Town Council and the library officials (luckily it seems they have now come to their senses). So are the parents for taking their children to the library for the 'grooming'.
I'll end off with another quote:
Homosexual activist Michael Swift wrote in 1987 in the Gay Community News that school children would become explicit targets for homosexual indoctrination. “We shall seduce them in your schools…They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us,” he wrote at the time.
Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)30th November, 2018
- posted on Steemit: 30th November, 2018
Hope the parents take all there kids out of it.
I think the latest news is that the Library stopped these grooming lessons. It really does pay to complain.
Parents should raise and educate their children and not let them join this kind of "story hours". My children would never buy this and have a very strong, own opinion.
Gay is fine, you can be who you want but not force it upon other peoples throats. If you want to be accepted, seen as normal, you should behave like the rest of the cattle. Who cares about who you love in between the sheets, which wc you use, what you eat, believe or dress like? It is a personal thing so keep it that way.
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