What is the Deep State? What is a 'paranoid libertarian?'

in #false-flag7 years ago (edited)

The info war is between conspiracy minded individual rights defenders, and the deep state, who are Rockefeller's u. of Chicago (and CFR) neocons, which are secretly neomarxists, despite overtly running the right wing and covertly running the left wing.

Those of us aware of them aren't conspiracy 'theorists' since the conspiracy is very factual, very real and the conspirators are factually speaking the clandestine mass murderers running the banks, media and Western Governments.

The deep state (international banker) minions, the secret society guys and black ops guys who pull off the false flag incidents, (which kill innocent people) refer to us, who can see them, as "paranoid libertarians."

The deep state propagandists are most visible through their obvious control over corporate media, as aggressive war cheerleaders, and often in the 'panel' of senior fellow "experts" and guests you see interviewed on cable news. You will see these Council on Foreign Relations experts on so called conservative channels and on so called progressive channels as well. They control both types of news outlets as they have for well over a century. For more information about them research the history and agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Despite what Rush Limbaugh may have told you---the deep state are not Obama holdovers. The are permanent unelected banker minions operating globally, in all Western govts, trying to remove national sovereignty and individual sovereignty, aka individual rights. The deep state minions also hold key positions on key committees in congress. This globalist deep state is attempting to use stealth and trickery to subjugate all nations and individuals to a global soviet style superstate.

They are very focused on us, the freedom loving 'paranoid' ones who can see right through the propaganda designed to hide them. Nobody will resist what they refuse to believe exists. So we are the only enemy in the U.S. they worry about.

Everyone else is falling for either their propaganda or their controlled opposition scams, and so are currently well controlled and no threat to them. Their main focus, regarding what they call 'paranoid libertarians' is to discredit and marginalize the only people capable of seeing them and exposing them to the masses. To that end there is a co-intel type program that employs contractors to do what they call "cognitive infiltration of paranoid libertarians."

Research Cass Sunstein's plan and the articles he has written for cognitive infiltration for more information. You'll find some information if you put not only cognitive infiltration in the search bar but also "Cass Sunstein" +"paranoid libertarians"

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