Exploration-s23w4 /Communication Keys
Hello friends, and welcome to this amazing learning contest titled Exploration-s23w4 /Claves de Comunicación.
Immediately, I saw this gibberish that looked messed up and the profile picture with the guy holding a magnifying glass; I suspected where this was going. And I knew exactly who would be of help with this.
I got additional lectures on cryptography and cryptanalysis from my husband who is often obsessed with this type of stuff. It took a pencil, paper and a considerable amount of time to pick those alphabets one after another.
The level of encryption was a double layer. It needed a key which was provided but had to pass through a first layer of decoding then a second layer of translation.
Task 1
Message decrypted and sent to the recipient. Please acknowledge.
Task 2
Write a paragraph of no less than 5 lines in code with your personal presentation using the code BAT and its translation.
Code BAT
5s 0747v4669s9 p9d5r t27ns04t42 4nf920734ón s5ns4b6e d5 f920a 7b452t7, 39n 67 39nf47nz7 d5 q15 67 4nf920734ón 5stá p29t584d7 p92 67 367v5 d56 01234é6789 y q15 s969 67 71d45n347 7 67 q15 v7 d4e484d7 p15d5 655267.
Es maravilloso poder transmitir información sensible de forma abierta, con la confianza de que la información está protegida por la clave del murciélago y que solo la audiencia a la que va dirigida puede leerla.
Task 3
Write a paragraph of no less than 5 lines about what you do for a living using the CAT code and its translation.
Cat code
My screen name is @udyliciouz, I am a school teacher and also run a small retail business where I sell groceries. I also operate a profitable blog on steemit where I do a lot of writing.
Task 4
Write in a paragraph of no less than 5 lines that you thought of this week's course, which was the easiest and the most difficult in the key CENIT POLAR and its translation.
Inn rhtoo oximcnos hivo rho phitiprotasraps ef i subsrarurael pachot warh daffotolr medafapiraels. Rho Pir Pedo fonr samcnot, bur reek mo i ner ef ramo wtaralg ar dewl. Berh rho bir koy ild Penit Zolarh hid samanit daffapunraos foonalg meto srtolueus.
All three examples have the characteristics of a substitution cipher with different modifications. The cat code felt simpler, but took me a lot of time writing it down. Both the bat key and the Polar Zenith had similar difficulties feeling more strenuous.
The following Steemian are invited to participate in this contest; @josepha, @kesybliss, @bela90 and @okere-blessing