The price of this action fish sold Rp 20 million per head
Many people love this super beautiful fish in addition to the varied colors of the fin and small form, but also can be entertainment, by pitting the fish with other betta fish.
The extraordinarily beautiful fish, guaranteed instantly fascinated if seen.
Lately there is a chat scene in the virtual world of beautiful fish that can be in this adu.akun named Kachen Worachai intend to sell and upload photo of his favorite betta fish that is similar to the color of the flag of thailand country in facebook auction group
He was so surprised when there are people who want to buy his fish for $ 1,530 or about Rp 20 million. Surprisingly, how lucky Kachen Worachai who had only installed a tariff of 2.8 Dollars or if the Rupiahkan only about 30 thousand.
It is known that the man was 40 years old owner of a department store that menangkarkan betta fish as a hobby, but it happens really be a blessing in itself, because his hobby was able to make money ..
Very good