Green Quote: Peace with the environment is Peace with thyself
#GreenQuote of the Week
An environmental quote that will plunge you into deep reflection and inspire you to take environmental action
Peace with the environment is peace with thyself
We often say, “a healthy man in an unhealthy environment is unhealthy meanwhile an unhealthy man in a healthy environment is healthy”
The environment is our life support system and if we make it healthy, it will enable conditions that will make us thrive and be healthy.
This explains why if we want real and lasting peace, we must make peace with the environment.
Climate change and other environmental hazards are making life difficult for us. No matter how rich we are nor how hospitable our communities are or how peaceful we are with one another, it’s very important that we make peace with the environment, if not the environment will continue vomiting its wickedness on us and future generations.
Science and most religions have called for urgent action to make peace with the environment and the time to act is NOW. We need everyone to make a change so that we can bring about the change we seek.
Below are a few things we can do to make peace with the environment;
- Plant trees
- Walk or cycle often
- Intelligent use of water, electricity, and natural resources e.g. switch off the lights when you are not using a room, brush your teeth with water in a cup as opposed to leaving the sink tap to flow down into the drains while you brush
- Local production and consumption
- Organic farming
- Eat less meat
- Educate yourself and other people about climate change and other environmental challenges
- Buy durable and sustainably manufactured products
- Compost your waste
- Organize community clean-up activities
What are some of the things you do that are contributing to making peace with the environment?
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The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.
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