REMEMBERING THE PAST! My golden treasure!
Late morning steemians, just done cleaning our house and done all washing our clothes.
Today as I clean the room, I saw my uniform when I was a high school. Hehehe there's a lot of signature of my classmates and it reminds me how are they now?
I almost forget the past, the things we've done together. But that uniform reminds me a lot of my past.
Having this uniform is like having my classmates forever. I never trow it away because I know time will pass and this uniform will reminds me for all.
Back to my high school days, I really love playing. As I remember I and my classmates are always got to guidance office. We are so crazy at that time that we do not know why we are in school.
One of our teacher inspired us. That only teacher says positive feedback about us. Almost teachers says negative but that one teacher still love us.
I'm thankful to that teacher because she change our mind set. And now, some of us are professional already, I can say thank you teacher for making our life straight.
Being inspired by someone not only your boyfriend or girlfriend but it can be your teacher.
Thank you!
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