Creating our Own Cycles

in ecoTrain5 years ago


As humans we all seek to feel a part of something, we wish to feel connected. If this is unfulfilled then we begin to create our own connections. We have an innate desire to feel like we belong and feeling disconnected results in a lot of pain and suffering.

We are of course all connected, but so many people do not see this, instead feeding into the a culture of segregation, a culture that likes to divide us all up, so that we sit in our corners fearful of what others may be doing. And then there is the huge disconnection from nature that is so prevalent at the moment.

This connection that has allowed so much of the natural world to be destroyed, all for the gain of humankind. But how can we possibly gain anything from destroying the one thing that sustains us all. The one thing that connects us all.

The earth that we walk upon, provides us with all that we need, of course growing up in a consumerism society this seems unlikely, because what we desire is what has been made by human hands, the latest technology, the latest car etc. But there are our desires, are not our needs. They are two very different things indeed, yet not something that is being addressed enough.

It is our relationship to the soil, that is important, our relationship to the natural world. That is what our true inner self really desires and needs.


We are connected to the natural cycle of life that exists in nature. No matter where we live, our body adapts to the climate, to the seasons (as long as we don't fight it of course). If you are welling to let yourself really experience the true climate, the true seasons that your body will become in-tune and you will benefit hugely from the many lessons and teachings that each season brings with it.

Learning to observe your environment, to see how the trees and the land respond to each new season, tells us how we should be responding. Look to the trees, to tell you when you should travel within and nurture your inner self. Let the seasons speak to you.

Let the returning of the sun, represent the rebirth of yourself after you have rested over the winter time, nurturing your dreams so that now you have the strength to make them a reality. To witness them blossom and bloom.

Because our disconnection, leads us to create cycles of our own. Cycles that can be very destructive, because we do not understand the effect that each season can have on us and we end up rejecting or blind to the lessons that are all around us.

Winter can become a time of depression, as we suffer with the lack of light, not able to see that this is our cue to travel inwards, to retreat and reflect. We can turn to alcohol in drugs in order to pick ourselves up.

Within those natural cycles is also the many cycles that we experience as humans, our rites of passage. These are the times when we can also suffer because they are not being acknowledged and honoured.

Think about when we you first become an adult, how many of us celebrated, by getting drunk, our celebration became just a blur. Our initiation into adulthood, fuelled by alcohol, so that every celebration then involves the use of alcohol.


I am not saying not to celebrate with some alcohol, but so many people lose the sense of themselves when they do and that need to be acknowledged, to be heard and supported goes unseen. And yet we still strive for connection, for cycles, for recognition. Our needs never being met, our longing continuing on and on. Creating a new cycle, but not of connection, but one of disconnection, one that is so often fuelled by drugs and alcohol.

We go through so many different rites of passage, birth, parenthood, adolescent, separation, death, rebirth, grief and yet how are we honouring these natural human cycles.

How different would it be if we took the time to support each other through these, to hold space for one another, to be seen, to be heard, to be held. This is where some of the most powerful healing can occur, when we connect with each other, when we connect with the natural cycles of life and the natural cycles of humankind.

Making the decision to rewild yourself, is the first step towards reconnecting with yourself and with the natural cycles that are already a part of us.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



beautiful post! everything does seem to go in cycles.. and being aware of them is important i so agree.. then we can celebrate and acknowledge where we are at..

and.. we have these huge cosmic cycles as well as our micro cycles.. and its good to be aware of them too!

I'd like to share a special short vid from the wonderful Gregg Braden who shares about the nature of cycles, how to see them and understand the nature of these cycles, and how they relate to breaking patterns. How during a choice point in time.. which is a time when it is easier to make change and beginning of new cycles.. we can bring great change into our lives.. and reset patterns, especially if we know when to make the changes..

The Choice Point: Breaking a Pattern with Gregg Braden ) only 3 mins long

thanks Alex, I look forward to watching that clip, I am all about empowering xx

Rewild, then recivilize, then rewild again. At some point there's gotta be balance (hopefully).


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I'm all for keeping it wild myself, not too much of a believer in being civil xxxx

Surely we're being a bit civil by partaking on Steem :P

I've gone to very wild extremes. Eating nothing else than wild plants, roots and flowers, living in a self made refuge that was only branches, mud and pieces of recycled material I found here and there.

But it becomes a sort of bubble as well and a sort of war you fight alone against society. Because you know people out there are having a blast, listening to music, hanging out with other beautiful people, making love, tasting delicious food, and wrecking the Earth in the process. And you feel more alone because no one gives a damn about what they do to the Earth, and they care less about your efforts to return to its ways and be a part of the solution.

On spring and summer wilderness is amazing and you have nothing to long from the social world, but winter... oh the winter in the wild is nothing so romantic as it is portrayed in movies.

Nonetheless I plan to go back into the wilderness at some point and see if I've grown as a person enough to be part of Nature. If things get nasty, I'll have no shame in returning to civilization again to keep learning. And that's what I mean by balance, to be able to seek out what you need from both worlds until they can be integrated, I see no other way for anything to change.

All that said, I'm glad to know someone values and honors the wild the way you do!

Agreed, we need to break society back up into our self-sustaining tribal roots. Then we will see the collective health improve, instead of decline as is the current trend.

Homeschooling, rewilding and the boom in tiny living within intentional communities are doing just that.

It'll be a slow transformation, but I see it happening. The current system is not sustainable and when it implodes I foresee a boom in grass roots initiatives. Unfortunately the Central Authorities may be able to prop up the current status quo long enough to outlast our generation. It's already failed and is only hanging in by a thread.

Fortunately I'm able to divest enough from the system to be free now.

it has been happening for a while now, it is exciting times indeed, I am lucky in that I live in an alternative community where tiny living and home education is the norm. Thanks @notconvinced for your contribution xx

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This brings to mind something that was said about turning the word "need" to "want" in our minds. So often we avoid doing things that need to be done because we don't have a desire to do it, but if we make it a "want" then we are more likely to see a reason why we want to do it, which would make us more likely to do it without resenting that we have to do it. Perhaps this is key to us doing the right thing. Making it our desire instead.

that is such a great point because everything does begin with a thought and from there we create our reality, thanks @minismallholding xxx

How different would it be if we took the time to support each other through these, to hold space for one another, to be seen, to be heard, to be held.

Put down our screens, put aside our desires, our mind cravings.. be with isness of the world, each other.

yes go outside and see the wonderful world we are a part of that is true connection right there xx

Wow, so beautifully written. And the artwork 💚

Lovely, heartfelt and life-enhancing post, @trucklife-family! Yes, if we appreciate and acknowledge and honour the cycles, there is easier flow and less resistance. Awareness is everything.

Thanks for posting from our community page!

Keep up the great posts, blogging, photographs, vlogging & inspiration.

With Love From ecoTrain

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