EARTHSHIP: Build Your Own. Volumes 1-3 (free PDF downloads) in a home that cost you nothing to heat or cool.
IMAGINE...building this house yourself.
IMAGINE...growing your own vegetables year round in this home. utility bills.
IMAGINE...easily available "limitless natural resources" to build this type of home.
IMAGINE...a more earth friendly civilization
In the 1970s Michael Reynolds pioneered a new kind of home, giving us clear instructions on how to build them in three volumes. I have uploaded all three for you and also included a more recent fourth book I was able to dig up.
How can you download these books?
Set up an account with LBRY here if you don't already have one.
(this way you will earn LBC every time you view my content)
Follow these links to get directly to the books:
If the PDFs doesn't load immediately hit the icon in the middle.
Once uploaded please be sure to save on your device, preferably something small, portable and easily chargeable, like a tablet or decent sized smart phone.
If we are going to ensure that we have always have access to these books (no matter what is happening in the world) we must have a solar charger for our device.
It is for this reason that I ask you to save the books on your device rather than assuming they will always be available to you through my LBRY account.
Fortune favours the prepared.
The JouleStick
I have seen many solar products in my time and this I can confidently say is one of the best because it is practical, functional, durable & inexpensive. It can be a torch or a lamp and most importantly, it can charge your device.
When enough of you indicate to me you are interested I will buy a box of these JouleSticks and sell them on to you for the equivalent of around $50 (plus postage), payable in fiat or crypto.
I want to mention also that the JouleStick is compatible with the JouleBox, should you ever decide to expand on your kit.
The JouleBox
By the way, I made both of the above films and even took the JouleBox for a test run on an off grid island in Indonesia. My product review can be seen here. Bottom line: I seriously love these products!
Please let me know in the comments if you are interested in any of them.
Or if you prefer, you can contact me privately on Discord: samstonehill#3438
Archived Publications
SAS Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Anywhere
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
The Resilient Gardener: Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times
Aquaponics: Everything You Need to Know to Start an Expert DIY Aquaponic System from Home
How to Benefit from Everyday Herbs
What Every Survivalist Should Grow in His Backyard
I will continue to upload useful PDF's & films every day. If you have any suggestions they would be most welcome.
This project is being run by @samstonehill
Ahhh my earthship BIbles! i gave mine away five years ago to someone building.. maybe ill grab a PDF version now! nice share!
Apparently the hard copies are quite desirable. They are selling on Amazon for up to $100 each!
wow WHAT! i thought he still had them in print for $40! wow
lucky for the internet!
There is one more book , called WATER FROM THE SKY! IT is a must read if you havent seen it.. Im not sure if its available on PDF.. but is one of the best reads .. \
off to Portugal tomorrow, wish me luck! <3
Have fun brother. I'm sure you don't need luck but I wish you some anyway!
Now, let me see if I can find a PDF of this book...
I quite enjoy this kind of challenge ;)
This is SUCH important, new-paradigm information. Thank you for posting it again. :) I love that the possibilities are endless and, as you say, disrupting the cost of living industry.
Keep up the great posts, blogging, photographs, vlogging & inspiration.

With Love From ecoTrain
Am just pleased this info is now locked forever on a blockchain. Let's hope everyone runs off and starts building Earthships now!
Big hugs x