No drama, good life - EcoTrain Question Of The Week!
This is my entry for the @ecotrain question of the week: With all the craziness in the world how do you maintain your sanity?
I was taught since school to be a critical thinker. They said that society needs critical thinkers because they detect the flaws that need to be corrected so that the system can improve. But they never told me what I would do to my own mind by becoming a critical thinker.
The cool-aid was served and I drank it in one quick slurp. I have spent most of my life looking at the troubles of the world and thinking on their genesis so that I might find solutions.
But as life passes, the different experiences you go through begin to shrink the ego and see how small you really are. How all attempts to drive the world to where you want it to go become a tiring struggle that gives you very little peace of mind.
Indeed there is much you can do to change your surroundings. But going everywhere with a critical mindset is just exhausting. No place becomes pleasant and most people have such an inconsistent speech that you begin to have a very hard time actually connecting.
It has been a hard journey to liberate myself from this way of thinking. It takes daily work to catch and stop my mind on it’s the necessity to point out the problems and “flaws” of life. Writing has helped a lot. When I read myself, I realize how much of that is still present in me and how it manifests despite my wish to look at things in a more positive light.
The Steem/TRON drama, the daily fear talk about coronavirus, the anger of many radical feminists towards men for the sole fact that they have masculine genitals, the indifference of humanity towards animals and other beings in general, the greed of extreme capitalism… it all wishes to take over my thoughts and have me running around debating, reacting like it was in my hands to control any of this.
But Life has taught me that none of this is in my hands. What must happen will happen regardless of how much I kick and punch at existence, no matter how much I worry and take measures. On day you’re alive (understanding life as a projection of this ego which carries a name and a set of memories) and the next you’re not. It’s that simple.
It also helps that I believe in reincarnation and have had astral experiences that heighten my faith in existence beyond the physical body. Even if all these “problems” that drive the world crazy were to come knocking at my door, forcing me to react, I know that they will eventually end and Life will evolve in other directions.
I guess when you are convinced of Infinity, there is nothing that can really drive you too crazy. I mean, you might fall in the trap for a while, but then you remember: “hey, this show has been going way before you came to senses and it will continue to go way beyond that as well. Take it easy, there is much else to enjoy”.
There’s another thing that keeps my consciousness in a certain calm. If shit was to really hit the fan I know I will gladly go around helping all those I meet along the way. For example, I wouldn’t be afraid to go into a room full of people with corona virus and tend to them. I have no medical training but I do feel quite able to channel healing energy through my hands, as well as a decent knowledge of medicinal herbs. In a scenario with shortage of medicine and capable people I’m sure those skills would be appreciated, even if just to lift the spirits.
I think all problems are also opportunities. Pehaps that’s a perk of critical thinking, but you have to be careful not to see more problems than there really are. Maybe even better would be to get rid of the idea that there are any problems and embrace that Life is full of opportunity.
In the end, all drama is in the eye of the beholder. When you look inside it is easy to see that it’s all a hoax. An attempt of the Matrix to keep your constant attention. Thank you Matrix for your interest but you’ll have to present me with way more attractive things to catch my eye. Oh, that’s right, you’re already doing it every day :).
Picture taken by me.
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I believe when we do finally let go of what we can't control we also begin to realise that there will always be flaws in everything, because no one way of doing is right or wrong. No amount of tweaking, even if we could tweak, would make everything okay for everyone.
Eye opening thoughts as always.
Yeah, there are too many of us with a diversity of dreams and ideals. It seems to me that tolerance is one of the things Life insists on so it becomes necessary to accept that there will be powerful people, oppressive people, as well as strong people able to break the chains that bind them, and loving people wanting to spread love wherever they go.
Thanks for stoping by!
Interesting, I never met a woman who felt angry about that. You must live in a complete different world as I do.
You care about harm done to animals but not one word about harm done to children and so many women who are molested since centuries.
You are right it's not in your hands unless you are the source, a part of it.
Happy Sunday.
!trdo 💕
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Thank you I am happy to hear it.
Here in Chile on March 8, men who were walking in the protest got punched, thrown stones and beer at. I have many Facebook contacts that rant 24/7 about their hate towards men. So it affects me, it makes me want to react and say something about it because I've never hit a woman, raped, diminished her or treated her like she was inferior and I'm sure there are many men like me.
I didn't talk about women or children because it's not something I see every day. The women and children I live with are independent, strong and never play the victim role, so that's what I see every day. I don't watch the news and am not reminded constantly of murder and rape if that's what you meant.
But animals... they get slaughtered by the millions on daily base and with absolute approval from most of society and since I consider them to be even more innocent, it hurts me more. I do get reminded of it daily as I see people eating them all the time. I see in the pastures of dry grass with sun over their heads and not a tree to take shadow below. I see them deprived of any chance to choose the path they wish to walk and live a complete life.
Well, I don't think I have the truth about everything. I only mentioned the things that I was seeing on daily basis and making me want to react.
Have a happy Sunday as well :)
We clearly live in different worlds and I hope the women and children are all independent, highly educated, have a job, get equally paid. I wonder why the men were stoned in your country. It's what I see in a part of my world. Women stoned to death, set afire, women, and children killed by men, their own (ex) husband and father.
I do not watch tv for at least 10 years but I think it's way longer. I do not read newspapers and am not on FB.
I worked for years with damaged women, damaged children and after I gave up on them I worked and took care of animals. Animals molested by humans.
I doubt anyone has the answer to what we all make out of this world, how we no longer respect nature, each other. I guess that's the price we pay for freedom.
Stay safe 💕
Which country do you live in?
The Netherlands.
Wow, I would expect that to be a country that is more advanced in equality and human rights... Guess I was wrong!
You are wrong for sure. My granny had more freedom as my daughters.
This is such an interesting perspective.
I guess we can't fix everything what is wrong in the world around us but being the best version of ourselves and with that (hopefully) being an example and inspiration to others is pretty amazing too. :)
Also platforms like these are a great source of positive change. :)
Yeah, it's crazy how Steem becomes such a big part of your life, I almost feel like I've been here forever 😂
Glad you could find some interest in my ramblings :)
So many wise words in this post, so much I agree with that I could probably write a post to comment on this.
I especially liked these last two alineas:
So many people ( even those close to me ) seem to only be able to see the world from one perspective, which usually doesn't help in times of stress. If they could only zoom out and see the bigger picture...
Un abrazo desde Holanda,
It would be nice if everyone shared a broad perspective, but that is not for us to concern with. We must deal with our own narrowness every time we find it manifesting and that's enough work for several lifetimes 😂
Nice to know you're in Holland, can't help but thinking of magic truffles when I hear that country named, lol.
Abrazos amigo!
Hahaha! I see your point. Let's continue working on ourselves, day by day. We can only be the best example / version of ourselves that we can be.
It's nice and somewhat crazy ( as you can read in my latest post ) but I'm doing pretty good under the circumstances.
Pásalo bien!
P.S. I had risotto with truffles yesterday ( but I don't think they were the magic type, unless today is one big trip. It sure seems like it )
Isn't life just one big helluva trip? Will check out your post tomorrow, me eyes be shredded by an excessive amount of reading today!
I do love your posts @fenngen, Spreading awareness is really important, if you have a platform, use it to speak out, so many people don't do that, they remain silent and then so many beings end up suffering in silence. You have been using your voice on here to talk about injustices and that is good.
I agree with so much of what you said, I think we all need o focus on the changes that we as individuals can do, if we focus too much on all the suffering then we can end up becoming overwhelmed and see life as hopeless.
Because Yes, Life is full of opportunities, opportunities to share, support and spread awareness for ourselves and others. It is your choices and how you react that are important, because that is all you have control over. By sharing your story, you can then hopefully inspire others to live a more conscious life.
Keep doing as you are doing my friend. sending you much love xxxxx
It's always great to receive your comments, I feel so much honest support. Thank you very much, hopefully it's as you say and it makes a difference to speak your truth! Sending the love right back at ya' :)
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